醫用PVC呼吸麵罩 人工單向閥呼吸麵罩 |
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顏色/color: 半透明 包裝:PE袋包裝 材質/Material:安全級PVC 凈重:0.02KG 尺寸/SIZE:28*19cmcm |
★適用於野外.傢庭.工廠場所等。 ★安全.衛生.且實用性極強。 ★易於清潔,攜帶方便,收藏不占地方。 ★急救.人工呼吸最佳選擇 |
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心肺復蘇術簡稱CPR(car?鄄dio pulmonary resuscitation),就是當呼吸終止及心跳停頓時,合並使用人工呼吸及心外按摩來進行急救的技術。 舉凡溺水、心臟病、高血壓、車禍、觸電、藥物中毒、氣體中毒、異物堵塞呼吸道等導致的呼吸終止、心跳停頓,在醫生到來前,均可利用心肺復蘇術維護腦細胞及器官組織不致壞死。
心肺復蘇ABC A步驟:將病人平臥在平坦的地方,急救者一般站或跪在病人的右側,左手放在病人的前額上用力向後壓,右手指放在下頜沿,將頭部向上向前抬起。 註意:讓病人仰頭,使病人的口腔、咽喉軸呈直線,防止舌頭阻塞氣道口,保持氣道通暢。 B步驟:口對口吹氣,也就是人工呼吸。搶救者右手向下壓頜部,撐開病人的口,左手拇指和食指捏住鼻孔,用雙唇包封住病人的口外部,用中等的力量,按每分鐘12次、每次800毫升的吹氣量,進行搶救。 一次吹氣後,搶救者抬頭作一次深呼吸,同時松開左手。下次吹氣按上一步驟繼續進行,直至病人有自主呼吸為止。 註意:吹氣不宜過大,時間不宜過長,以免發生急性胃擴張。同時觀察病人氣道是否暢通,胸腔是否被吹起。 C步驟:胸外心臟按壓。搶救者在病人的右側,左手掌根部置於病人胸前胸骨下段,右手掌壓在左手背上,兩手的手指翹起不接觸病人的胸壁,伸直雙臂,肘關節不彎曲,用雙肩向下壓而形成壓力,將胸骨下壓4厘米至5厘米(小兒為1厘米至2厘米)。 註意:按壓部位不宜過低,以免損傷肝、胃等內臟。壓力要適宜,過輕不足於推動血液循環;過重會使胸骨骨折,帶來氣胸血胸。 B、C步驟應同時進行,按壓30次之後做兩次人工呼吸,通常一搶救周期為三輪,也就是按壓90次、人工呼吸6次。 經過30分鐘的搶救,若病人瞳孔由大變小,能自主呼吸,心跳恢復,紫紺消退等,可認為復蘇成功。 終止心肺復蘇術的條件:已恢復自主的呼吸和脈搏;有醫務人員到場;心肺復蘇術持續一小時之後,傷者瞳孔散大固定,心臟跳動、呼吸不恢復,表示腦及心臟死亡 |
Please read the instruction thoroughly before use
DEscriptION: The CPR Mask provides a physical barrier between the rescuer and victim,eliminating direct contact of the rescuer's lips with the unknown subject. The CPR Mask promotes an airtight seal to the face allowing ventilation through both the mouth and nose simultaneously,Proper training in ventilation and CPR should be obtained before using this device
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: 1.Remove the mask and valve assembly from case 2.Push out the soft dome with your fingers and ensure that the one way valve is in place 3.Clear the airway of any debris.(Put on protective gloves at first if necessary.) 4.Place the mask over the patient;s mouth and nose,Use the rim of the mask to retract the lower lip so that the patient's mouth remains open under the mask,Use thumbs to hold the mask and your fingers to grasp the lower jaw in front of the earlobes,Pull upward to open the airway and seal the mask 5.Blow slowly into the airway valve twice and watch as the patient's chest rises 6.Ventilate the patient every five seconds for an dault or every three seconds for a child,Continue rescue breathing until the patient responds or you are relieved by a higher medical authority 7.If the patient vomits,remove the mask and clean both the patient's airway and the mask,If you should contaminate either valve mouth piece or any of your exposed skin surfaces,use alcohol wipers to clean these areas immediately,Resume rescue breathing promptly. 8.If the mask is used with ventilation equipment,simply detach the valve filter assembly and attach the mask to the device.
USE WITH OXYGEN(OPTIONAL): The mask may be used with supplemental oxygen.Attach the oxygen tubing to the optional oxygen valve and set the flow rate,If the patient is spontaneously breathing,Use the head strap to position the mask on the patient's face,If the patient is not breathing,Begin mouth to mask ventilation immediately,The use of supplemental oxygen to the mask will increase the delivery of oxygen to the patient to the patient,The rescuer will not be affected by the use of supplemental oxygen.
CLEANING: The CPR Mask is reusable and easy to clean,Wash the mask in warm soapy water,Use a 1:64 bleach to clean water mixture to soak the mask for ten minutes,Rinse the mask again with fresh water and allow to air dry ,The face mask can't be disinfected using an activated glutaraldehyde solution(Such as CIDES),The one-way valve and filter housing is intended for single patient use and should be discarded after use,
WARNING;DO NOT pasteurize,boil,steam or gas autocalve this device
廣州安護健醫療用品有限公司為SAFERLIFE產品有限公司子公司,成立於2009年,我們的目標是,提供最具競爭力的產品,通過我們的製造和 采購優勢成為主要的低成本生產商和供應商,公司主消防和安全產品,醫療保健產品和傢庭護理安全產品 We mainly supply disposable medical product. healthcare products, sports therapy and safety product. We have advanced manufacturing, development, Logistics and product management capacity.
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