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    WIKA GFU05 SF6氣體抽真空及回充裝置,迷你型
    商品代碼: 4420426
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    WIKA GFU05 SF6氣體抽真空及回充裝置,迷你型

    Gas Filling Unit
    Model GFU05, Mini

    Gas Filling Unit Model GFU05, Mini



          Evacuation and filling of SF6 gas into SF6 switchgear
          Topping-off of SF6 tanks

         Special Features
          Single valve operation
          Large tires for easy movement over gravel yards
          Permanently mounted high capacity, high vacuum pump
           User adjustable regulated gas refilling


          A lightweight, rugged, and portable unit that can be easily transported throughout substations for the evacuation and filling of SF6 switchgear.

          Evacuates and fills SF6 tanks with high vacuum pump(10 m3 /hr)
          3 way ball valve for simple switching between evacuation and refilling


         Additional Features
          < 0.03 mbar vacuum blank-off
          Optional 16 m3/hr or 25 m3/hr vacuum pump
          Refill pressure regulator
          Handcart mounted
          250 mm diameter wheels
          Sturdy tubular steel construction
          Integrated vacuum gauge
          Complete with hose
           Complete with 3m power cord
          120 V, 60 Hz and 240 V, 50 Hz versions available
          Optional 16 m3/hour or 25 m3/hour high vacuum pump


          Size: W x H x L: 600 x 1500 x 400 mm
          Weight: 31 kg



        歡迎來電訂購WIKA GFU05 SF6氣體抽真空及回充裝置,迷你型

    電話:010-51669912 56291930 15910733293


    QQ:823377546 1491421115 2636968574

    郵箱:[email protected]

    公司官網:http://www.zoriver.cn    http://www.zoriver.com.cn




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