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    WIKA GDM 233.52.100 TA 帶有變送器的組合型氣體密度表(GDM)
    商品代碼: 4419398
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    WIKA GDM 233.52.100 TI 帶有變送器的組合型氣體密度表(GDM)

    Gas Density Monitor (GDM)
    with Integrated Gas Density Transmitter
    Model 233.52.100 TI

    Gas Density Monitor (GDM) with Integrated Gas Density
    Transmitter, Model 233.52.100 TI



         Gas density monitoring of closed SF6 tanks
         For indoor and outdoor installation in SF6-gas-isolated switching units


         Special Features
         Modified bourdon tube pressure gauge with integrated Gas Density Transmitter inside the case
         Local readout with alarm contacts
         Remote readout  (output 4 … 20 mA, 2-wire system),measuring ranges from 0 ... 10 g/liter to 0 ... 80 g/liter
         High EMI performance, CE-conformity
         Hermetically sealed, therefore no influence by atmospheric pressure fluctuation and differences in altitude

        Description - Gas Density Transmitter
         Model 233.52.100 TI features a Gas Density Transmitter integrated into the back of the case.  It functions fully as a standard GD-10 Gas Density Transmitter, however, the combination allows for both instruments to obtain a density reading through a single connection to the tank.

         The gas density transmitter is electrically compensated following the non-linear behavior of SF6-gas according to the virial equation. This provides the highest accuracy and best temperature compensation possible since SF6 is a real gas functioning according to real gas law equations. only a gas density transmitter can take this into account.
         The gas density transmitter picks up the pressure and temperature of the SF6-gas contained in the device (tank).The current gas density is ascertained from both variables by means of an electronic evaluation system. Thermal


         induced pressure changes are dynamically compensated and do not affect the output signal.The gas density transmitter generates a density proportional, standardized signal of 4 ... 20 mA.


         Recalibration of the zero signal is not necessary due to the high long-term stability of the gas density transmitter. The hermetically-sealed measuring cell guarantees high longterm leak tightness. It is welded closed to prevent leaks and remain independent of atmospheric pressure fluctuations and variations of the mounting height.

         The EMI properties of the transmitter are tested according to IEC 61000-4-2 thru IEC 61000-4-6 and guarantee a safe pick-up of the signal which is especially suited to conditions prevailing in high-voltage switching units.


        Description - Gas Density Monitor
        Nominal size
         100 mm dial size with transmitter integrated into special deeper case

        Accuracy (relating to the measuring span)
         Accuracy of ± 1% at +20 °C/68 °F (± 0.37%/10 °K must be added as the temperature deviates from +20 °C/68 °F)
         Reference diagram KALI-Chemie AG
         Calibration pressure is used as reference isochore

        Scale ranges
         All standard ranges and +/- ranges with a measuring span of min. 1.6 bar und max. 25 bar (SF6 gas pressure at +20 °C)

        Calibration pressure PE
         As ordering specifications

        Permissible temperatures
         Ambient: -20 ... +60 °C (gas phase)
         Storage: -50 ... +60 °C

        Alarm contacts / Contact rating
         Max. 3 magnetic snap-action contacts, to make or break, with galvanic isolation, switching points nonadjustable and secured
         Contact rating: 20 W / 20 VA, max. 1 A
         Material of contacts: 80 % Ag / 20 % Ni, gold-plated


         Switching accuracy in temperature range -20 ... +60 °C
         If switching point is equal PE: as measuring span,
         If switching point is not equal PE:
         Moved parallel to calibration pressure

        High-voltage test
         2 kV, 50 Hz, 1 s (wiring versus case)

        Electrical connection
         Cable box with cable gland M20 x 1.5
         Connection cross-section max. 2.5 mm²

        Pressure connection
         Stainless steel,
         Lower mount (LM) only, spigot Ø 6 x 5, similar to EN 837,
         G ½ B (male), 22 mm flats

        Pressure element
         Stainless steel, welded
         Gas tight: leakage rate ≤ 1 · 10-8 mbar · l / s
         Test method: spectrometry of helium mass


         Stainless steel
         Bimetal link (temperature compensation)

          Aluminium, red-green-yellow section as ordering

          Aluminium, black


        Stainless steel with silicone oil or dry nitrogen filling
          Gas tight: leakage rate ≤ 1 · 10-5 mbar · l / s

           Laminated safety glass

          Bezel ring
           Cam ring (bayonet type), stainless steel secured with 3 welding spots

          Ingress protection
           IP 65 per EN 60 529 / IEC 529

           approx. 1.2 kg

          Options - Gas Density Monitor
          3 magnetic snap-action contacts, without galvanic
          Isolation, switching points are adjustable
          Acrylic glass window
           Pressure connection through flanges
           Pluggable cable box





         歡迎來電訂購WIKA GDM 233.52.100 TI 帶有變送器的組合型氣體密度表(GDM)

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