防泄漏托盤(又叫防溢托盤、盛漏托盤、盛漏卡板)專業用於化學品原料桶的防漏存儲,新型加高設計,儲存的泄漏量更大,尤其適用於腐蝕性化學品的原料倉庫、化學品臨時倉庫進行化學品儲存分裝使用。該系列產品具有以下特性:*盛漏托盤整體采用無縫隙結構設計,防漏結構100%通過測試,完全避免泄漏的發生;*主體材質:線性低密度聚乙烯,具有良好地耐酸堿腐蝕的材質,杜絕化學品泄漏時所可能產生的危害,可在戶外使用; *當出現泄漏時,所有液體將會沿托盤格柵自動註入托盤盛漏區域內,不會污染現場環境; *雙叉車插口便於搬運; *導液口設計,方便集中清理泄露液體;*盛漏托盤有不同型號可供您選擇,便於您合理規劃化學品或對化學品倉庫進行整改時使用;*提醒您:當現場發生化學品泄漏時,如果泄漏的液體全部集中於托盤內部,請專業人員即時清理;如果泄漏的區域出現擴散,請專業人員使用相對應的化學品吸咐產品進行及時堵漏及吸收。美國環境保護署對盛漏托盤製定瞭嚴格的標準 EPA 40 CFR 264.175。(a) Container storage areas must have a containment system that is designed and operated in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, except as otherwise provided by paragraph (c) of this section.(a)儲存容器周圍必須有(b) 段落中要求的堵漏設備,除非滿足(c)中條件(b) A containment system must be designed and operated as follows:(b)堵漏設備設計安裝必須符合以下條件:(1) A base must underly the containers which is free of cracks or gaps and is sufficiently impervious to contain leaks, spills, and accumulated precipitationuntil the collected material is detected and removed;(1) 容器底部必須有能夠盛漏的底座,保證能暫時存儲泄露物質(2) The base must be sloped or the containment system must be otherwisedesigned and operated to drain and remove liquids resulting from leaks,spills, or precipitation, unless the containers are elevated or are otherwiseprotected from contact with accumulated liquids;(2) 底座必須可以傾斜或者有可以排出盛漏液體的設計。除非容器本身有加高設計或禁止接觸盛漏液體。(3) The containment system must have sufficient capacity to contain 10%of the volume of containers or the volume of the largest container, whicheveris greater. Containers that do not contain free liquids need not be consideredin this determination;(3)堵漏設備必須有足夠的容量來儲存所有容器的10%或單個最大容器的泄漏物。如果容器未裝液體則不在此范疇。(4) Run-on into the containment system must be prevented unless the collectionCHENGLIN has sufficient excess capacity in addition to that required inparagraph (b)(3) of this section to contain any run-on which might enter thesystem; and(4)堵漏設備必須可以替換,除非此堵漏設備本身容量充分滿足 (b)(3)中的要求。(5) Spilled or leaked waste and accumulated precipitation must be removedfrom the sump or collection area in as timely a manner as is necessary to preventoverflow of the collection system. [Comment: If the collected material is a hazardous waste under part 261 of this Chapter,it must be managed as a hazardous waste in accordance with all applicable requirementsof parts 262 through 266 of this chapter. If the collected material is dischargedthrough a point source to waters of the United States, it is subject to the requirementsof section 402 of the Clean Water Act, as amended.](5)必須及時清除堵漏設備中的泄漏物以保證堵漏設備的容量[註意:泄漏物如果是此段中261所描述的物質,必須按照262-266中的要求來處理此類危險品。如果泄漏物通過任何方式泄露並污染瞭美國環境,需按照402中潔凈水法案來賠償](c) Storage areas that store containers holding only wastes that do not contain free liquids need not have a containment system defined by paragraph (b) of this section, except as provided by paragraph (d) of this section or provided that:(c)儲存區域容器中如果隻是廢棄物並非液體,則無需(b)中提到的堵漏設備。除非如 (d) 中情形:(1) The storage area is sloped or is otherwise designed and operated todrain and remove liquid resulting from precipitation, or(1)儲存區域傾斜或者設計成可排出廢棄物(2) The containers are elevated or are otherwise protected from contact withaccumulated liquid.(2) 容器本身有加高設計或禁止接觸盛漏液體。(d) Storage areas that store containers holding the wastes listed belowthat do not contain free liquids must have a containment system defined byparagraph (b) of this section:(d) 儲存區域容器中是廢棄物並非液體,仍必須使用(b)中提到的堵漏設備。(1) FO20, FO21, FO22, FO23, FO26, and FO27.(1) FO20, FO21, FO22, FO23, FO26, FO27.(2) [Reserved](2) [其他情況]
徐州賽弗安防科技提供的盛漏托盤專業用於化學品原料桶的防漏存儲,新型加高設計,儲存的泄漏量更大,尤其適用於腐蝕性化學品的原料倉庫、化學品臨時倉庫進行化學品儲存分裝使用。該系列產品具有以下特性:*盛漏托盤整體采用無縫隙結構設計,防漏結構100%通過測試,完全避免泄漏的發生;*主體材質:線性低密度聚乙烯,具有良好地耐酸堿腐蝕的材質,杜絕化學品泄漏時所可能產生的危害,可在戶外使用; *當出現泄漏時,所有液體將會沿托盤格柵自動註入托盤盛漏區域內,不會污染現場環境; *雙叉車插口便於搬運; *導液口設計,方便集中清理泄露液體;*盛漏托盤有不同型號可供您選擇,便於您合理規劃化學品或對化學品倉庫進行整改時使用;*提醒您:當現場發生化學品泄漏時,如果泄漏的液體全部集中於托盤內部,請專業人員即時清理;如果泄漏的區域出現擴散,請專業人員使用相對應的化學品吸咐產品進行及時堵漏及吸收。美國環境保護署對盛漏托盤製定瞭嚴格的標準 EPA 40 CFR 264.175。(a)儲存容器周圍必須有(b) 段落中要求的堵漏設備,除非滿足(c)中條件(b)堵漏設備設計安裝必須符合以下條件:(1) 容器底部必須有能夠盛漏的底座,保證能暫時存儲泄露物質(2) 底座必須可以傾斜或者有可以排出盛漏液體的設計。除非容器本身有加高設計或禁止接觸盛漏液體。(3)堵漏設備必須有足夠的容量來儲存所有容器的10%或單個最大容器的泄漏物。如果容器未裝液體則不在此范疇。(4)堵漏設備必須可以替換,除非此堵漏設備本身容量充分滿足 (b)(3)中的要求。(5)必須及時清除堵漏設備中的泄漏物以保證堵漏設備的容量[註意:泄漏物如果是此段中261所描述的物質,必須按照262-266中的要求來處理此類危險品。如果泄漏物通過任何方式泄露並污染瞭美國環境,需按照402中潔凈水法案來賠償](c)儲存區域容器中如果隻是廢棄物並非液體,則無需(b)中提到的堵漏設備。除非如 (d) 中情形:(1)儲存區域傾斜或者設計成可排出廢棄物(2) 容器本身有加高設計或禁止接觸盛漏液體。(d) 儲存區域容器中是廢棄物並非液體,仍必須使用(b)中提到的堵漏設備。
