型號 | S061 | 光源類型 | led燈 |
光源功率 | 1000(W) | 電壓 | 220V(V) |
燈罩材質 | 鋁合金 | 外形尺寸 | 1000(mm) |
主要適用範圍 | 家居場所 | 開關類型 | 遙控式 |
風格 | 中式 | 平均使用壽命 | 100000(h) |
變壓器 | 電子變壓器 | 品牌 | 華藝照明 |
產地 | 廣東省 | 燈光顏色 | 多彩色 |
燈頭規格 | E27 | 燈外形 | 花瓣燈 |
節能等級 | 5 | | |
它們本質上沒有區別,帶膠的主要起到絕緣的作用,另外看起來更美觀,顏色可以根據自己的喜好任意調配,常用顏色有深蘭色和黑色.據我們銷售統計調查,現在80%以上的LED燈廠家通用的萬能彈簧以 以下尺寸偏多:↓
應用範圍 | 主用於:電子產品,洗衣機,吸塵器,燈具,汽車,傢俱,玩具,熱水器,計算器,充電器,點火器,電器,燈盤,電風扇等 | 產品簡要描述 | 1,壽命更長。 2,彈性更強。3,品質更好。 4,價格合理。 本公司是一家集技術開發、彈簧設計、生產加工、銷售服務於一體的4S型企業。 | 生產線徑 | 生產鋼絲直徑範圍線徑0.08mm—3.5mm | 技術標準 | 按客戶要求,本公司以解決客戶之優為己任,更以生產高精度彈簧為特長。 | 符合RoHS | 能夠測量超過76化學品和材料,電鍍厚度類型 | 表面處理 | 環保(ROHS)的鎳,鋅,電鍍,金,銀,銅,黑,電泳,達克羅(適應長時間的戶外使用,可以達到超過90小時鹽霧測試) | 產品使用範圍 | 產品適用於各類玩具、燈飾、皮具、禮品、工藝品、文具、電子、電器、五金塑膠、遙控器、童車、自行車、洗衣機,吸塵器,燈具,汽車,傢俱,玩具,熱水器,計算器,手錶,點火器,風扇…… | 特長決竅 | 公司獨特擁有獨特的502型數控彈簧緊,由多組伺服馬達獨立控制。(生產速度快、定位精準、運行穩定;對於高難度、多折位彈簧,全部一次性成形,無需另外加工。) |
材質 | 種類 | 型 號 | 特 征 | 使 用 范 圍 | 不銹鋼絲(sus) | 有磁、無磁、光面和霧面(樹脂面、暗面) | 201、202……; | 含鎳量少,達不到鹽霧測試要求。 | 工藝彈簧多用 此材料 | 301、302、303、304、305、309、310、316、321、…… | 這類材料都適合用,有耐酸鹼的,耐高溫。 | 電子,電器,日用品工具,鎖,玩具等 | 403、410、420、430…… 630、631…… | 碳鋼絲(SWC | 低碳鋼絲,高碳鋼、錳鋼絲,鎳絲,鍍鋅鐵絲 | 60SizMNA、60SizCRVA、55CrSi | 硬度高,彈性好。 | 電子,電器,日用品工具,鎖,玩具等 | 琴鋼絲(swp) | | SWP-B;SWP-A | 抗拉力,使用壽命長 | 適用於各種產品 | 銅材絲 | 磷銅絲,鍍錫銅線,鍍鎳銅線,青銅,銅,磷,銅,鈹銅等 | 導電性能好電子、電器、天線等。 | 電子、電器、天線等。 | 鐵絲 | 鍍鋅鐵線、水抽線 | 材料軟 | 工藝品,裝飾。 |
彈簧圖繪製與標識法 |
壓縮彈簧繪圖法 |
拉伸彈簧繪圖法 |
扭轉彈簧繪圖法 |
銷售範圍 | 國內:全國各大城市,如:廣東省,浙江省,重慶市,北京,四川,上海,湖南…… | 國外:美國;俄羅斯,日本,韓國,土耳其,加拿大,印度,越南…… |
訂購須知 | 訂單交期 | 訂單生產週期一般3-10天。 急單處理:我司有急單加快處理流程,會以最快的速度給你完成。 |
樣辦收費標準 | 1。普通彈簧,標準規格材料範圍內,我司做樣概不收費。 2。特殊性材質,特殊規格(非標準規格)打樣需收取相應的辦費。 3。高難度彈簧,複雜型,打樣需收取相應辦費。 4。簡單彈簧如需要樣辦過多,也會收取相應辦費。 |
樣辦收費承諾 | 1,對於收取辦費的樣辦,下訂單達一定量後(量是根據產品來定),退回辦費。 2,對於收取辦費的樣辦,快遞費我方承擔。 3,對於收取辦費的樣辦,直至做到OK為止。 4,對於收取辦費的樣辦,無法達到貴司要求,退回辦費。 |
關於運輸 | 廣東省中山市市周邊300公里: 大件我司均由公司派車專人免費送貨; 小件我司指定由一邦、順豐快遞送貨上門,並可由指定的快遞公司代收貨款 | 廣東省外或中山市周邊300公里以外: 對於較遠地區的客戶,我們採用物流公司,鐵路運輸,汽車運輸方式發貨(部分地區可代收貨款)。 小件產品我們採用快遞送貨上門。常用快遞公司:一邦快遞,順豐快遞......。 |
公司名稱: 中山市阜沙鎮永達力力五金彈簧廠 聯 系 人:羅炎鋒 中山市電話: 0760-23401061 傳真:0760-23402005 移動電話: 013178642886 中山市地址: 廣東省中山市阜沙鎮阜港東路 電子郵件:[email protected] 公司主頁:http://www.zhyongdali.cn.alibaba.com |
The Zhongshan Fusha Town will forever reach the strength hardware spring factory
The Zhongshan Fusha Town will forever reach the strength hardware spring factory > located at the Guangdong Zhongshan Fusha Town. Was established in 2001. Is one produces each kind of precision product and so on spring and hardware ramming enterprises, mainly includes: Presses the reed, the torsional spring, the extension spring, the heterogeneous reed (wire rod formation) and so on each kind of spring product. This enterprise uses at present the most advanced CNC computer numerical control spring formation equipment, may curl system each kind of precision spring, processes Cheng Ge the wire rod to plant the shape, satisfies more customers the demands! This enterprise has devoted to the production high quality product, passes through many year arduous efforts, has the rich production experience, the quality assurance stability and delivery timeliness, provides the first-class product quality to the customer. “Uses quality to compete, wins others' trust truthfully” takes this enterprise's operational policy, take “customer satisfaction, the service is supreme” as the enterprise objective, in welcome, outside general new old customer presence your help, the discussion cooperation! . Main business: Spring; Hardware; Hard axis; Car; Presses the reed; Torsional spring; Wire spring; Tension spring; Is suitable in: Small household electrical appliances, daily necessities, automobile industry, toy, machinery, MP3, LED, furniture, stationery and so on.
Application scope | The host uses in: Electronic products, washer, vacuum cleaner, lamps and lanterns, automobile, furniture, toy, water heater, calculator, battery charger, igniter, electric appliance, lamp panel, and so on electric fan | The product describes briefly | 1st, the life is longer. 2nd, the elasticity is stronger. 3rd, the quality is better. 4th, reasonable price. this company is a fair technology development, the spring design, the production processing, the sale serves a body's 4S enterprise. | Production line diameter | Production steel wire diameter Fan contour diameter 0.08mm-3.5mm | Technical standard | According to the customer request, this company take solves the customer superiorly as an own duty, take produces the high accuracy spring as the special skill. | Conforms to RoHS | Can survey surpasses 76 chemicals and the material, galvanization thickness type | Surface treatment | Environmental protection (ROHS) nickel, zinc, galvanization, gold, silver, copper, black, the electrophoresis, reaches Carlo (to adapt long time outdoors use, may achieve surpasses 90 hour salt mist test) | Product use scope | The product is suitable for each kind of toy, the decorative lighting, Pi Ju, the present, the handicraft, the stationery, the electron, the electric appliance, the hardware revertex, the remote control, the baby carriage, the bicycle, the washer, the vacuum cleaner, the lamps and lanterns, the automobile, the furniture, the toy, the water heater, the calculator, the wristwatch, the igniter, ventilator ...... | Special skill knack | The company has the unique 502 numerical control spring to be tight uniquely, by many group of servometer independent control. (the output velocity is quick, the localization is accurate, the movement is stable; Regarding the high difficulty, the multi-booklet position spring, disposable form completely, do not need other processing. ) also has Taiwan to import presses the reed machine, carries on 100% complete inspections to the spring. |
Material quality | Type | Model | Characteristic | Use scope | Stainless steel wire (sus) | Has magnetism, not to have magnetism, the refacing and the surface blush (resin surface, dark surface) | 201、202、204……; | Are few including the nickel quantity, cannot meet the salt mist test requirements. | Craft spring multipurpose this material | 301、302、303、304、305、309、310、316、321、…… | This kind of material suits uses, to have bears the acid and alkali, thermostable. | The electron, the electric appliance, the daily necessities tool, the lock, the toy and so on, is suitable for each product | 403、410、420、430…… 630、631…… | Carbon steel wire (SWC) | Iron wire, high-carbon steel, manganese steel wire, nickel silk, galvanized wire | 60SizMNA、60SizCRVA、55CrSi | Degree of hardness is high, the elasticity is good. | The electron, the electric appliance, the daily necessities tool, the lock, the toy and so on, is suitable for each product. | Music wire (swp) | | SWP-B;SWP-A | Stretching resistance, service life long | Is suitable in each product | Copper material silk | Phosphorus copper wire, tinned wire, nickel plating copper wire, bronze, copper, phosphorus, copper, and so on beryllium copper | Electric conductivity good electron, electric appliance, antenna and so on. | Electron, electric appliance, antenna and so on. | Iron wire | The galvanized iron wire, the water draw | Material soft | Electron, electric appliance, antenna and so on. |
Spring chart plan and marking law |
Compression spring cartography |
Tension spring cartography |
Reverse spring cartography |
Sales scope | Domestic: National each big city, for example: Guangdong Province, Zhejiang Province, Chongqing, Beijing, Sichuan, Shanghai, Hunan ...... | Overseas: US; Russia, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Canada, India, Vietnamese ...... |
Order notice | Order form delivery date | Order form production cycle general 3-10 days. Anxious list processing: My Si Youji the list speeds up the processing flow, will complete by the quickest speed to you. |
The type manages charging criterion | 1. The ordinary spring, in the standard specification material scope, my Si Zuoyang does not collect fees generally. 2. The particular material quality, the special specification (non-standard specification) pulls must gather correspondingly manages the expense. 3. The high difficulty spring, the complicated shape, pulls must gather manages the expense correspondingly. 4. The simple spring like needs the type to manage excessively many, also will gather manages the expense correspondingly. |
The type manages the charge to pledge | 1st, manages the type which regarding the collection spends to manage, after getting down the order form reaches the ration, (quantity is according to product decides), returns manages the expense. 2nd, manages the type which regarding the collection spends to manage, the express fee we undertake. 3rd, manages the type which regarding the collection spends to manage, until achieves up to OK. 4th, manages the type which regarding the collection spends to manage, is unable to achieve the expensive department to request, to return manages the expense. |
About transports | Guangdong Province Zhongshan peripheral 300 kilometers: The big-ticket item I take charge of by company sending a vehicle specialist free delivery; The light casting I take charge of assign by a nation, along abundant express to deliver goods to the doorstep, and may by the express company which assigns receive on another's behalf the loans | Outside Guangdong Province or outside Zhongshan peripheral 300 kilometers: Regarding the remote area's customer, we use the physical distribution company, the railway transportation, the motor transport way deliver goods (some areas to be possible to receive on another's behalf loans). The light casting product we use express deliver goods to the doorstep. Commonly used express company: A nation express, along abundant express ....... |
Corporate name: The Zhongshan Fusha Town will forever reach the strength strength hardware spring factory Contact person: Mr. Luo Yanfeng Zhongshan telephone 86- 0760 -23401061 Facsimile: 86-0760-23402005 Mobile phone:013178642886 Zhongshan address: Guangdong Province Zhongshan Fusha Town Fu port east road (i.e. Luo loose industrial district) Email:[email protected] Company main page:http://www.zhyongdali.cn.alibaba.com |