HF-200 Automatic stone profiling line
HF-200六頭線條機,是我公司最新研製成功的石材深加工設備。適用於大理石,花崗石,人造石及陶瓷等不同材 料。在設定程序的微電腦控製下一次性完成。全自動生產各種形狀的裝飾石線,相對於傳統的手工或半機械加工方式,具有生產效率高,產品質量好,加工成本低等優點。綜合性能相比意大利同類設備有突破性提高。
HF1000 Stone Profiling line is our new superior product,is suitable for processing marble, granite,artificial stone edge etc to make beautiful decoration stone line,compare with manual profiling machine it cando shaping and polishing at one time to save your time and work tochange the different wheels.
型號 | Description | 單位/Unit | HF-200 |
定型輪數量 | Qty.of shaping heads | pcs | 2 |
定型磨輪直徑 | Dia.of shaping wheel | mm | 180-200 |
拋光磨頭數量 | Qty.of polishing heads | pcs | 4 |
拋光磨頭直徑 | Dia of polishing wheel | mm | 190-220 |
工作寬度 | Working width | mm | 30-200 |
加工厚度 | Working thickness | mm | 15-80 |
拋光速度 | Working speed | m/min | 0.4-1.5 |
耗水量 | Water consumption | L/min | 100 |
總功率 | Total power | kw | 45 |
外形尺寸 | Dimension | m×m×m | 5.8×2.2×1.9 |
重量 | Weight | kg | 4500 |
