佈草折疊機多少錢 全自動佈草折疊機生產廠傢報價
Automatic Folder
是根據用戶需求而專門定製的折疊設備。它具備兩橫三縱共五折的折疊功能,最大折疊范圍3000×3000mm 。適合大、中、小型賓館、酒店、醫院、部隊和洗衣店等單位使用。是平麵佈草熨平後理想的折疊設備。
ZD3000V automatic folder Units suitable for large, medium and small guesthouses, hotels, hospitals,equipment specially developed based on user′s need . It has two vertical and three horizontal fold function ,and great fold range is 3000 x 3000mm .it is suitable for launderette of hotel, hospitals, schools ,army ,laundry etc and it is the idea folding equipment.
Transmission system with a fabric speed control and precise positioning can accurately determine length of the fabric and calculate the fold length . Have high accuracy of fold ‘
Two independent drive motor controlled by VFD ,having the function of adjusting stepless folding speed within 50m/min and can match all types of ironing machines .
Highly intelligent LCD touch screen operating system. Dynamically display working condition of the machine .User can compose procedures according to their needs .
With standardize differentiate protection and alarm of fold , ensuring high-quality folding effect..
Complete self-diagnosis function and safety protection system facilitate the daily
use and maintenance of the machine.
Function of electrostatic elimination put an end to cloth curling up ,wrinkle etc , effectively improve the quality of folding and increase reliability and stability of operation.
型號/參數 | ZD-3000V |
Model/Parameter | 3000×3000 |
最大折疊長×寬 Max folding L ×W(mm) | 5 |
最大折疊次數Max number of folds | 10-50 |
折疊速度 Folding speed (m/min) | 0.7 |
壓縮空氣壓力Compressed air pressure(Mpa) | 0.2 |
壓縮空氣耗量compressed air(m3//min) | 1.3 |
額定輸入功率Rated in-put power(KW) | 1000 |
外形尺寸 | ZD-3000V |
Appearance (W×D×H) |
寬W(mm) | 4150 |
深D(mm) | 2850 |
高H(mm) | 1760 |
整機質量Weight(kg) | 1600
