產品展示 |
產品介紹 |
Rexroth力士樂比例閥4WRPEH6C3B12L-20/G24KO/A1M 直控式四位四通伺服性能電磁換向閥 板式安裝
組件系列2X P,A,B處最大工作壓力315bar T處250bar 額定流量2…40l/min
類型:門閥,直動式,帶鋼發套 啟動:帶位置控製的比例雙行程線圈,OBE 連接類型:板式連接,油口安裝復核ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 環境溫度范圍:-20至50度 重量:2.7kg Rexroth力士樂伺服比例閥4WRPEH6C3B12L-20/G24KO/A1M功能及工作原理介紹: In the field of integrated electronics, the specified command value is compared with the actual position valve. In case of deviations from the standard, the lifting solenoid is activated. Due to the changed magnetic force, the lifting solenoid adjusts the control valve against the spring. Lifting/control cross-section are adjusted proportionally to the command value.
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關於我們 |
電 話:0531-87157566、87157599 阿裡旺旺:jnbohuayeya
![伺服閥 Rexroth力士樂伺服閥 吹塑機專用伺服比例電磁閥_液壓元件_機械設備_貨源_批發一路發](http://www.marketplace.com.tw/skin/en/image/step.jpg)