Glass lined agitator(stirrer)
Usage:Organic or inorganic acid,organic solvent and weak alkaline corrosion can be endued except hydrofluoric acid,media containing fluorine_ion,strong phosphoric acid and alkaline with their density over 30% and temperature higher than 180 Celsius degree.
They ae widely used in petroleum,chemical light industry, pesticide, pharmacy, dyestuff, the food processing industry, scientific research and other fields.
漿式攪拌器 :K50L-K2000L/F1000L-F30000L
Suitable Nominal Volume:
anchor agitator:K50L-K5000L
frame agitator:K500L-K5000L
turbine agitator:K50L-K5000L/F2500L-F30000L
paddle agitator :K50L-K5000L/F1000L-F30000L
Glass lined airfoil axial agitator
Structure feature: 搪玻璃翼型軸流攪拌槳,它由搪玻璃專用鋼板做母材,根據混合理論和流體力學中有關理論為指導,采用合理的結構參數和結構型式,槳葉由高性能的水翼型剖麵構成,外部噴塗搪瓷釉料,經高溫燒成。具有極強的抗腐蝕能力、又有高效節能的攪拌功能。它同國傢搪玻璃行業標準框、錨、葉、槳四種產品相比:1.混合更加均勻,時間縮短20%以上;2、能耗降低30%以上;3、產品收率根據工藝對攪拌敏感程度有不同的提高。
Its basic metal is special steel for glass coating.According to the guidance of relevant theory of mixing and fluid dynamics,it adopts reasonable technical parameters and structure─ blade is composed of high performance airfoil profile, sintering enamel coating outside.Besides,it has the ability to mixing efficiently without wasting energy as well as strong corrosion resistance.
Compared with the other four kinds of glass lined agitator (anchor type, gat type, impeller type, paddle type)according to Chinese standard, it has the following advantage:
1 Mixing more evenly with saving time by more than 20% .
2 Saving energy consumption more than 30%.
3 The product yield to the agitating sensitivity has been increased in varying degree.
1、 液-液快速混合;
2、 液-固懸浮;
3、 互不溶液-液的分散(例如:懸浮聚合、萃取);
4、 強化反應釜內液體物料的流動.
Most suitable processing :
1 liquid-liquid rapid mixing;
2 liquid-solid suspension;
3 disperses undissolved liquids(For example:suspension polymerization,extraction);
4 To strengthen the flow of the liquid materials in the reactor.