本玻璃鉆孔機,它的特點是:機床剛性好,鉆孔直徑大,機座喉徑深,可加工大尺寸玻璃;工作臺高度低,操作方便。下鑽頭自動進行,上鉆手動進給,加工性能優越。該機穩定,美觀,維修方便、保養費用少,耐用,各部件經久不衰,操作簡單,加工性能優越,生產效率高,可用於批量生產及流水作業中,是玻璃深加工生產企業必不可少的加工設備。 此機型按電機分有兩種選擇,分別是:標準型和變頻型。
1. 加工玻璃最大尺寸: 2700×2200㎜
2. 加工玻璃厚度: 3~20㎜
3. 鉆孔直徑: φ5~φ220㎜
4. 機床總重量(包括浮動架):約1200Kg
5. 總功率: 4.95Kw(含空壓機1.5Kw)
6. 外形尺寸: 750×2200×1700㎜(長×寬×高)
7. 工作臺麵高度: 1000㎜
8. 鉆軸中心至立柱距離: 1300㎜
9. 鉆孔與鑽頭聯結端錐孔及螺孔:
錐孔錐角60o 螺孔直徑G1/2″
10. 電壓/頻率: 380V/50Hz
0222 overlay glass drilling machine uses pneumatic clamping device to load glass,sues upper and lower drill bits to drill holes,the lower drill can goes up automatically,the position and speed can be adjusted.with auto feeding function,the worktable can move up and dowm pneumatically.The machine can be used for continuous mass production and processing.
1,Easy to operate and maintain
2,Infrared Position for glass drilling
3,Drill from both sides of the glass
Model Number: ZK0222
Voltage: 380v 50hz
Power(W): 2.45kw
Dimension(L*W*H): 22002700x1700mm
Weight: 1200kg
Warranty: half a year After-sales Service
Provided: Overseas third-party support available Max.size of processed glass: 22002700mm
Glass thickness: 3-20mm
Drillina diameter: 4-220mm .
