材料:天然優質原實木-椴木 安全無毒油漆
尺寸: 包裝長*寬*高:27.8*18*8cm
重量: 1公斤
層層疊是一種新的益智類遊戲,屬於2人或2人以上玩的趣味遊戲。體會一下“釜底抽薪”的感覺,要在本已岌岌可危的“大廈”底下抽取木料,還得放在建築之巔。不僅有筆直的“帝國大廈”,而且有神秘的“比薩斜塔”,一不留神就會發生地震,房倒屋塌真正的“玩的就是心跳”。 該產品不僅能鍛煉人的手眼協調能力及意志力,而且能培養平衡力,同時積木搭放的過程也能提高耐性和自製力,可鍛煉手部肌肉靈活應用。最重要的是能增近遊戲玩傢的友誼和情感。 愛情層層疊發源於日本,增加瞭新奇有趣的愛情題目,給層層疊遊戲增加瞭新的樂趣,可以幫助你打破沉悶氣氛,帶來歡笑,營造浪漫,在遊戲的歡樂中,說出:“我愛你!”。 實木木條上麵印有指示或題目,中英文對照,比如“選擇在場的一位異性,對他/她唱一分鐘情歌”等問題,都會涉及到其他的參加者。 利用愛情層層疊作交流,各種各樣的指示遊戲內容隱藏在木塊上,包括"選擇在場的一位異性,對他/她唱一分鐘情歌","找一個參加者和他/她猜拳,三盤兩勝"等,均會涉及到其他的參加者。這時,參加者就要按木條上的指示選擇對象。選擇對象時,不要總是選擇同一個參加者,盡可能選擇不同人。
◆LOVE◆*4 抽到這木條的參加者,可按照自己的喜好下指示。The player who removes this block may give whatever instructions as he/she likes. 讓所有參加者摸你的頭。Let everyone feel your head. 和有好感的參加者定下約會日期。Schedule a date with the person you feel like. 轉三圈,然後坐好。Turn three rounds and sit straight. 簡述自己的故事。Tell a brief story about yourself. 讓所有參加者察看你錢包裡的東西。Show others what is in your purse. 選擇一位異性,小聲告訴他/她你喜歡什麼樣的身型。Choose one opposite sex and tell him/her in a low tone what stature you like. 說一句令人振奮的話。Say something to inspire everyone. 分享你遇到過最浪漫的約會。Share the most romantic date you ever had. 選擇一位異性,與他/她跳一支舞。Choose one opposite sex and dance with him/her. 轉兩圈,同時用嬰兒的語氣說話。Turn two round while speaking in the tone of an infant. 說出右邊參加者三個吸引人的地方。Describe three attractive features of the person on your right. 現場為喜歡的人畫個素描。Make a sketch at site for the person you like. 告訴所有人自己的手機號碼。Tell everyone your mobile phone number. 用一分鐘時間說出你的初戀。Use one minute to describe your first love. 抽一條白色木條。Draw another white block. 給坐在對麵的人一個飛吻。Give an air kiss to the person on your opposite. 按照左邊參加者的指示去做。Follow the instructions of the person on your left. 說出一段有趣的經歷。Describe an interesting experience. 抽一條粉紅色的木條。Draw another pink block. 抽一條木條。Draw another block 選一位參加者和他握手。Choose one person and shake hands with him. 選一位參加者,和他/她猜拳,三盤兩勝。selec a person to play three rounds of finger-guessing game to decide the winner. 向旁邊不熟悉的異性介紹自己。Introduce yourself to an unfamiliar opposite sex beside you. 用一分鐘講述自己的失戀經歷。Use on minute to describe your disappointment in a love affair. 說一個無聊的笑話。Tell a stupid joke. 選擇一位參加者,讓他/她用唇膏畫你的臉。selec a person and let him/her draw your face by lip stick. 對在場所有異性說:“我愛你”。Say "I love you" to all opposite sexes. 讓所有參加者給你起一個外號。Let everyone give you a nickname. 與右邊的參加者耳語。Whisper to the person on your right. 展示你的長處。Show your special skills. 描述你喜歡異性的類型。Describe what type of opposite sex you like. 告訴所有參加者你的電郵地址。Tell everyone your email address. 擺一個有趣的姿勢讓大傢拍照。Let everyone take a photo of you in interesting pose. 與坐在對麵的人交換手機號碼。Exchange mobile phone number with the person sitting opposite to you. 稱贊所有參加者。Praise everyone. 選一個參加者,模仿他/她的動作。selec a person and imitate his/her action. 做一個奇怪的笑容。Make a queer smile. 出一個謎語,讓所有參加者猜。Tell a riddle and let everyone guess the answer. 遊戲結束後,給大傢買飲料。After the game is over,buy drinks for everyone. 用手機的拍攝功能給喜歡的人拍個照。Use the photographing function of your mobile to take a photo for the one you like. 查看左邊參加者手機所接過的電話。Check what calls have been reveived by the mobile phone of the person on your right. 表演時間。Show time! 選一個異性,用其他語言說:“我愛你”。choose an opposite sex and say 'I love U"in another language. 選擇一個異性,回答他/她問你的三條問題。Choose an opposite sex and answer 3 of his/her questions. 選擇在場的一個異性,對他/她唱一分鐘情歌。Choose one opposite sex and sing a love song to him/her for 1 minute. 默不作聲和右邊參加者對視三十秒。Glaze silently at the person on your right for 30 minutes. 請右邊的參加者,按你的指示去做。Give instructions to the person on your right. 用一分鐘時間說出戀愛的感覺。Use one minute to describe feeling of love. 打電話給父母說:“感謝你!”Make a call to parents and say "Thank you!" 撥電話給手機電話簿上的第三個號碼。Call the third number in your mobile phone's phonebook.
材料:天然優質原實木-椴木 安全無毒油漆
尺寸: 包裝長*寬*高:27.8*18*8cm
重量: 1公斤
層層疊是一種新的益智類遊戲,屬於2人或2人以上玩的趣味遊戲。體會一下“釜底抽薪”的感覺,要在本已岌岌可危的“大廈”底下抽取木料,還得放在建築之巔。不僅有筆直的“帝國大廈”,而且有神秘的“比薩斜塔”,一不留神就會發生地震,房倒屋塌真正的“玩的就是心跳”。 該產品不僅能鍛煉人的手眼協調能力及意志力,而且能培養平衡力,同時積木搭放的過程也能提高耐性和自製力,可鍛煉手部肌肉靈活應用。最重要的是能增近遊戲玩傢的友誼和情感。 愛情層層疊發源於日本,增加瞭新奇有趣的愛情題目,給層層疊遊戲增加瞭新的樂趣,可以幫助你打破沉悶氣氛,帶來歡笑,營造浪漫,在遊戲的歡樂中,說出:“我愛你!”。 實木木條上麵印有指示或題目,中英文對照,比如“選擇在場的一位異性,對他/她唱一分鐘情歌”等問題,都會涉及到其他的參加者。 利用愛情層層疊作交流,各種各樣的指示遊戲內容隱藏在木塊上,包括"選擇在場的一位異性,對他/她唱一分鐘情歌","找一個參加者和他/她猜拳,三盤兩勝"等,均會涉及到其他的參加者。這時,參加者就要按木條上的指示選擇對象。選擇對象時,不要總是選擇同一個參加者,盡可能選擇不同人。
◆LOVE◆*4 抽到這木條的參加者,可按照自己的喜好下指示。The player who removes this block may give whatever instructions as he/she likes. 讓所有參加者摸你的頭。Let everyone feel your head. 和有好感的參加者定下約會日期。Schedule a date with the person you feel like. 轉三圈,然後坐好。Turn three rounds and sit straight. 簡述自己的故事。Tell a brief story about yourself. 讓所有參加者察看你錢包裡的東西。Show others what is in your purse. 選擇一位異性,小聲告訴他/她你喜歡什麼樣的身型。Choose one opposite sex and tell him/her in a low tone what stature you like. 說一句令人振奮的話。Say something to inspire everyone. 分享你遇到過最浪漫的約會。Share the most romantic date you ever had. 選擇一位異性,與他/她跳一支舞。Choose one opposite sex and dance with him/her. 轉兩圈,同時用嬰兒的語氣說話。Turn two round while speaking in the tone of an infant. 說出右邊參加者三個吸引人的地方。Describe three attractive features of the person on your right. 現場為喜歡的人畫個素描。Make a sketch at site for the person you like. 告訴所有人自己的手機號碼。Tell everyone your mobile phone number. 用一分鐘時間說出你的初戀。Use one minute to describe your first love. 抽一條白色木條。Draw another white block. 給坐在對麵的人一個飛吻。Give an air kiss to the person on your opposite. 按照左邊參加者的指示去做。Follow the instructions of the person on your left. 說出一段有趣的經歷。Describe an interesting experience. 抽一條粉紅色的木條。Draw another pink block. 抽一條木條。Draw another block 選一位參加者和他握手。Choose one person and shake hands with him. 選一位參加者,和他/她猜拳,三盤兩勝。selec a person to play three rounds of finger-guessing game to decide the winner. 向旁邊不熟悉的異性介紹自己。Introduce yourself to an unfamiliar opposite sex beside you. 用一分鐘講述自己的失戀經歷。Use on minute to describe your disappointment in a love affair. 說一個無聊的笑話。Tell a stupid joke. 選擇一位參加者,讓他/她用唇膏畫你的臉。selec a person and let him/her draw your face by lip stick. 對在場所有異性說:“我愛你”。Say "I love you" to all opposite sexes. 讓所有參加者給你起一個外號。Let everyone give you a nickname. 與右邊的參加者耳語。Whisper to the person on your right. 展示你的長處。Show your special skills. 描述你喜歡異性的類型。Describe what type of opposite sex you like. 告訴所有參加者你的電郵地址。Tell everyone your email address. 擺一個有趣的姿勢讓大傢拍照。Let everyone take a photo of you in interesting pose. 與坐在對麵的人交換手機號碼。Exchange mobile phone number with the person sitting opposite to you. 稱贊所有參加者。Praise everyone. 選一個參加者,模仿他/她的動作。selec a person and imitate his/her action. 做一個奇怪的笑容。Make a queer smile. 出一個謎語,讓所有參加者猜。Tell a riddle and let everyone guess the answer. 遊戲結束後,給大傢買飲料。After the game is over,buy drinks for everyone. 用手機的拍攝功能給喜歡的人拍個照。Use the photographing function of your mobile to take a photo for the one you like. 查看左邊參加者手機所接過的電話。Check what calls have been reveived by the mobile phone of the person on your right. 表演時間。Show time! 選一個異性,用其他語言說:“我愛你”。choose an opposite sex and say 'I love U"in another language. 選擇一個異性,回答他/她問你的三條問題。Choose an opposite sex and answer 3 of his/her questions. 選擇在場的一個異性,對他/她唱一分鐘情歌。Choose one opposite sex and sing a love song to him/her for 1 minute. 默不作聲和右邊參加者對視三十秒。Glaze silently at the person on your right for 30 minutes. 請右邊的參加者,按你的指示去做。Give instructions to the person on your right. 用一分鐘時間說出戀愛的感覺。Use one minute to describe feeling of love. 打電話給父母說:“感謝你!”Make a call to parents and say "Thank you!" 撥電話給手機電話簿上的第三個號碼。Call the third number in your mobile phone's phonebook.

