大部分產品帶有零售包裝,港澳臺與海外同胞可聯系協商物流,歡迎各位批發商前 來恰談
Most of the product with retail packaging, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
and overseas compatriots can negotiate contact logistics, welcome to
wholesalers to talk about
iphone6/6S 4.7寸通用
iPhone6plus/6S plus/5.5寸
本店所有產品圖片均為實物拍攝,由於光線和各臺顯示器的原 因,圖片色彩與實 物之間存在一定的色差在所難免,請對顏色要求很高的朋友註意,因微小色差退換 貨,買傢須承擔來 回郵費。請以收到實物為準。
每天下午5點前成功拍下並付款的寶貝,基本單天發出如無庫存我們會馬上聯系您 ;本店快遞默認快遞公司是韻達。如需其他快遞公司,請聯系客服協商
收貨時,如對商品有任何疑問,請不要付款或評價,可盡快與 我們聯系或與您購 (每件快遞都可以先開箱驗貨,再簽字收貨/:Q派送員
如果不接受的話,您可以拒絕簽收,然後告之我們來聯系快遞解決!一旦您簽字收 貨之後,讓派件員離開而沒有經過我們確認,貨物數量或者外觀上麵有問題,我們 拒絕承擔損失,請諒解。
上午10:00—下午21:00為客服在線時間。非工作時 間,您可以直接拍下產品,並在 留言處註明顏色等要求,我們會盡快回復您。
The buyer must read
about the photos:
This store all product pictures are real photography, due to the light
and the monitor of the original cause, the picture color and real color
difference between is inevitable, please to demanding friends pay
attention to color, due to the small color difference, the buyer shall
bear to return postage.Please to receive the kind prevail.
about the shipment:
Successfully filmed and payment before 4 PM every day baby, arrange
shipment within 48 hours;Our Courier express company is by default.If
you need other express company, please contact customer service
about the goods:
When receiving, such as the goods have any questions, please do not pay
or evaluation, can contact us as soon as possible or contact you to buy
the product authorized distributors to solve related problems;If there
is no quality problems after receiving the goods, please confirm payment
within 48 small, evaluation, thank you for your cooperation!(each
express can unpacking inspection first, then sign the goods / : Q
dispatcher if not accept, you can refuse to sign for it, then tell us to
contact the Courier solve! once you sign after receiving, let send a
member to leave without after we confirmed that there is something wrong
with the quantity of the goods or the appearance of the above, we refuse
to take a loss, please understand, for not personally sign for the
customer, we suggest to buy through our customer service message, tell
us what time would be convenient for you from already sign for it, we'll
give you a note on the delivery note, let a dispatcher delivery within
the time specified. Be sure to do it in person to sign for, all family
and friends because of the guard security such as collecting express
mail shall be regarded as the sign for you)
about customer service:
Morning 9:00 - online time 22:00 for customer service, in the
afternoon.Non-work time, you can directly photographed product, and in
the comments indicate the color and other requirements, we will reply
you as soon as possible.
Price declaration:
Our all goods are firm, declined to bargain.
