諸暨市卓偉珍珠商行 | ||
產品詳情說明 | ||
產品名稱 | 手機掛件珍珠 | |
產品規格 | 5-6mm | |
產品形狀 | 9顆珍珠米型 | |
產品質量 | 羅紋 | |
產品顏色 | 白色,金黃,紫色 | |
產品產地 | 中國浙江諸暨 | |
起批數量 | 10隻起批 | |
品牌 | 卓偉珍珠(zwpearl)編號:YD215111304 | |
運輸方式 | 一般小件貨可以發順豐快遞,匯通快遞,郵政EMS,圓通快遞,中通快遞等,如急發順豐,運費到付,一般就匯通快遞。河蚌類一般發物流,需收桶20元,藥水20元,到義烏10元,小計50元; 義烏到全國統一到付. | |
付款方式 | 在線下單支付寶,銀行匯款,微信支付,也可以(順豐或德邦快遞代收貨款,但需要加貨款+運費的手續費5%) | |
聯系方式 | 如有什麼問題,可以在線咨詢或加我QQ;309289627;微信; 13588592169 | |
店址 | 浙江省諸暨市國際商貿城四樓B區7街3632 | |
備註 | 散珠原料如要打孔需要收打孔費15元一斤 |
珍珠基本知識 | |
Basic knowledge of pearl | |
顏色 | 顏色是指珍珠的體色,伴色及暈彩的綜合特征。 |
color | Color refers to the body color, pearl color and iridescence comprehensive characteristics. |
大小 | 大小是指珍珠的尺寸,以珍珠能通過或不能通過的相隔丙個分珠篩之孔徑規格 |
size | Size is the size of the pearls, with pearl can pass or not through c apart a bead of sieve pore size specifications |
形狀 | 形狀是指珍珠的外部形狀 |
shape | Shape is the external shape of pearls |
光潔度 | 光潔度是指珍珠表麵由瑕疵大小位置及多少決定的光滑、潔凈的總程度 |
finish | Finish is refers to the pearl surface determined by the flaw size position, and how many total smooth and clean |
光澤 | 光澤是指珍珠表麵反射光的強度及映像的清晰度。 |
luster | Luster is the strength of the surface reflection pearls and image clarity |
匹配性 | 匹配性是指單粒珍珠之間的形狀,光澤、光潔度、顏色、大小方麵協調程度 |
fit | Matching sex refers to the shape, between single pearl luster, smooth finish, color, size, degree of coordination |
諸暨市卓偉珍珠商行 |
公司介紹 |
卓偉珍珠位於西施故裡“珍珠之都”--諸暨山下湖,是全球最大的珍珠集散產銷加工基地;卓偉珍珠成立於2009年5月,以國內電子商務初步發展;由2014年12月入駐諸暨市最大的國際商貿城四樓;2013年4月正式註冊商標“卓偉珍珠”。主要養殖生產和銷售以淡水珍珠為中心;珍珠原料,珍珠河蚌,珍珠項鏈,珍珠手鏈,珍珠吊墜,珍珠戒指,珍珠胸花,珍珠粉,及相關珍珠的配件和設備。產品遠銷香港,美國,澳大利亞等國傢,以客戶需求為導向,以服務和質量為中心。 |
歡迎各界新老客戶來前參觀,洽淡業務。 |
聯系人:黃經理; |
電話0575-87003632;13588592169 |
QQ;309289627 |
郵箱:[email protected] |
ZWPearl is located in the hometown of xi shi "pearl city" - zhuji mountain lake, is the world's largest pearl distribution production processing base; ZWPearl was established in May 2009, to the domestic e-commerce development; By December 2014, works in zhuji city, the largest international trade city on the fourth floor; In April 2013 formally registered trademark "ZWPearl". The main aquaculture production and sales for the center with freshwater pearls; Pearl, pearl mussels, pearl necklace, pearl bracelet, pearl pendants, pearl ring, pearl brooches, pearl powder, pearl and related accessories and equipment. Products are exported to Hong Kong, the United States, Australia and other countries, take the customer demand as the guidance, to service and quality as the center. Welcome new and old customers from all walks of life come to visit before, looking for business. Contact: yellow manager; |
Telephone 0575-87003632; 13588592169 |
QQ; 309289627, |
email: [email protected] |
常見客戶問答 |
Common customer question and answer |
問一;請問貴公司的珍珠是天然淡水珍珠嗎?是真的珍珠嗎 |
Ask one;Has your company's pearl is a natural freshwater pearls?Is really pearls |
答一:是的,我公司的珍珠都是淡水天然養殖珍珠,都真的 |
Answer a: yes, my company's pearls are freshwater cultured pearls, natural is true |
問二,為什麼貴公司珍珠那麼便宜? |
Ask 2, why your company pearl so cheap? |
答二;因為我們是廠傢直供把中間環節全部省去,把最高的利潤讓給與我們合作的您 |
Answer two;Because we are factory direct for all the intermediate links to save, the highest profit to you to cooperate with us |
問三;您的珍珠飾品這麼便宜質量行嗎? |
Ask three;The quality of your pearl jewelry is very cheap? |
答三:我們的珍珠項鏈是出廠價所以價格很低,但是低價不低質,采用都是6-8年成年蚌,經3年以上的熟練工人挑選穿製而成的,而且在購買過程中,如果遇到任何問題,都可以聯系我們的售後電話:86-0575-87003632;13588592169;郵箱:[email protected] |
Answer three: our pearl necklace is ex-factory price, so the price is very low, but low prices are low, the is 6-8 years grown clam, for more than three years of skilled workers as choose to wear, and in the process of buying, if you encounter any problems, can contact our after-sales telephone: 86-0575-87003632;13588592169;Email address: [email protected] |
問四;為什麼要選擇卓偉珍珠?給你一個購買的理由? |
Ask four;Why choose ZhuoWei pearls?Give you a reason to buy? |
答四;1.源自珍珠原產地,中國、浙江、諸暨、山下湖;2.集養殖、加工、設計、產銷為一體;3.每顆珍珠都源自上萬次的層層挑選 |
Answer four;1. Derived from pearl of origin, China, zhejiang, zhuji, shanxiahu;2. Set cultivation, processing, design, production and marketing as a whole;3. Each pearl layer upon layer seleced derived from tens of thousands of times |
問五;貴公司可以承接加工訂單嗎?或貼牌? |
Ask five;Your company can undertake processing order?Or stick a card? |
答五;可以的,隻要客戶發圖片或樣品,我們能找到相關的配件都可以加工,或客戶提供相關配件,我們珍珠組合加工,都可以。可以貼牌。 |
A five;Can, as long as the customer to send pictures or samples, we can find the relevant parts can be processed, or provide relevant accessories, our combination of pearl processing, can be.You can stick a card. |
