5.全新美國進口IC ,全自動貼片,避免在讀取數據過程中出現斷數據流,假冒產品均采用翻新IC 或舊料,影響全車電壓,請謹慎選用!
6.OBDII 16PIN 針 耐久度高,非垃圾貨可比!
U480 1.5" LCD Universal CAN-BUS OBD2 Car Diagnostic Code Reader Memo Scanner
- With a U480, you may quickly find out trouble causes (troubleshooter) of electronically
controlled systems on your car
- Works with all 1996 and newer cars & trucks that are OBD II compliant (including CAN protocol)
- Supports multiple trouble code requests: generic codes, pending codes and manufacturer's
specific codes
- Retrieves VIN (Vehicle Identification No.) on 2002 and newer vehicles that support mode 9
- Supports multiple trouble code requests: generic codes, pending codes and manufacturer’s
specific codes
- Easy-to-read crystal-clear backlit 2-line LCD display
- Stand-alone unit with no need for an additional laptop computer to operate
- No batteries needed-powered via detachable OBD II cable
- Specially designed for DIYers and car-owners
- User manual contains diagnostic trouble code definitions
controlled systems on your car
- Works with all 1996 and newer cars & trucks that are OBD II compliant (including CAN protocol)
- Supports multiple trouble code requests: generic codes, pending codes and manufacturer's
specific codes
- Retrieves VIN (Vehicle Identification No.) on 2002 and newer vehicles that support mode 9
- Supports multiple trouble code requests: generic codes, pending codes and manufacturer’s
specific codes
- Easy-to-read crystal-clear backlit 2-line LCD display
- Stand-alone unit with no need for an additional laptop computer to operate
- No batteries needed-powered via detachable OBD II cable
- Specially designed for DIYers and car-owners
- User manual contains diagnostic trouble code definitions
Dimensions: 5.98 in x 3.03 in x 0.98 in (15.2 cm x 7.7 cm x 2.5 cm)
Weight: 14.82 oz (420 g)
Weight: 14.82 oz (420 g)
1.LCD顯示:LCD屏幕背光顯示 2行,每行8字符
2.ENTER鍵: 確認選擇並進入;返回到主菜單
4.說明書 隨產品附帶
1. 顯示:LCD屏幕背光顯示 2行,每行8字符
2. 操作溫度:0-48攝氏度
3. 電源:車載電池 DC12v
4. 產品規格:85x75x20mm
產品功能: 可以使用於所有1996年至今的OBDII協議汽車(其中包括CAN, VPW, PWM, ISO and KWP 2000協議) 讀取故障碼 刪除故障碼 找回汽車VIN碼 不需要連接電腦就可以直接使用 等等
用戶反饋不適用車型:Honda Civic,'98 Ford Taurus, 97 Pontiac Sunfire ,2002 Dodge caravan.
