WFH-S4高檔彩色門窗雙麵無縫四位焊機是我廠最新研製的無縫塑鋼設備,由可編程控製器(PC機)精確控製。通過控製系統及氣動系統,增加瞭針對焊接強度的模式,特別是在對焊接過程中融化、融焊的軟件 處理,保證在不同的環境下的焊接強度最優,並可以通過數字參數進行量化調節。該塑鋼設備采用八片 刀具直接在焊接過程中對角縫進行焊接清理(無需清角機),可以對中挺和十字型中挺進行低縫隙清 理,焊接表麵美觀、強度高。機長可達5米,可同時使用四個焊位,加工大型塑鋼門窗構件速度快,質量高,是理想的塑鋼門窗設備。 WFH-S4 model welding and cleaning (seamless) welding machine for PVC window and door (plastic window and door) can clear welding beading at one time after finishing the welding, and can strictly control the size of welding seam; therefore, after welding of colorful section steel is finished, its surface welding creater looks perfect and top-grade, and its welding strength is higher than that of the original ones. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
