蘇州方勝達電子科技有限公司( www.fsd-instrument.com )作為一傢以研發生產XRF檢測機、rohs測試機, rohs檢測機, 無鹵測試機、X熒光分析機, 銅合金分析機, 手持式合金分析機、礦石分析機, XRF, EDXRF, 鹵素測試機, 鹵素檢測機,等多元素分析機等機器生產廠商和整體方案的提供商。
(ROHS檢測機器 黃銅含量測試機 黃銅成分檢測機 黃銅純度檢測機)產品介紹
1. 采用美國原裝電致冷高性能Si-PIN探測器,分辨率高,探測范圍寬,涵蓋RoHS、鹵素、鍍層、合金(含貴金屬)及各種常規材料分析的基本要求。
Using the original refrigeration high-performance Si-PIN detector, high resolution, wide detection range and covers the RoHS,halogen, plating, alloy (including precious metals) and basic requirements of various kinds of conventional material analysis.
2. 配置國際最先進的DPP數字多道信號集成處理器,比普通模擬多道信號處理器性能更佳,尤其在高計數率時有更好的分辨力(如Hg和Cl等),高達80MHz的數據傳輸速度使分析時間更短,測量重復性和長期穩定性更好。
Configuring the international most advanced DPP with digital integrated multichannel signal processor. Multi-channel signal processor performance is better than the general simulation, especially in the high count rate has better resolution (such as Hg and Cl). The speed of the data transmission up to 80 MHZ make the analysis time shorter, repeatability better and long-term stability.
3. 內置高清攝像系統,清晰觀察樣品,準確定位樣品測試區域。
Built-in high-definition camera system, observe the sample clearly and locate sample test area accurately.
4. 配套最新的FP測量軟件,集成多種譜圖處理算法和基體校正算法,有效降低機器測量中的各種乾擾譜峰,使低含量和痕量元素的檢測結果更加準確,更加接近真值水平。
Configuring the latest FP measuring software, integrate variety of spectrogram processing algorithm and matrix correction algorithm, can reduce the various interference spectrum peak in the instrument measuring effectively, to make low content and trace elements test results more accurate, more close to the true value
(ROHS檢測機器 黃銅含量測試機 黃銅成分檢測機 黃銅純度檢測機)技術參數:
1. 分析范圍:硫(S)-鈾(U)
Measurable elements:S-U
2. 含量范圍:2ppm-99.99%
Element content: 2ppm-99.99%
3. 測量時間:50-300秒(可調)
Measurement time 50-300s(adjustable)
4. 能量分辨率:149±5eV
Resolution: 149±5eV
5. 高壓電源功率:50W
High voltage power supply power:50W
6. 樣品腔尺寸: 610mm×320mm×100mm
Sample chamber size : 610mm×320mm×100mm