The MKS 902B Piezo transducer combines the pressure measurement technology of a MEMS-based Piezo sensor with a metal sealed stainless steel 316 diaphragm and integrated electronics. The 902B provides economical, absolute pressure measurement that is independent of gas type.
Features & Benefits:
- Low cost transducer alternative to more expensive conventional transducers
- Gas independent pressure measurement for accurate, total pressure measurement
- Sensor is suitable for harsh processes due to robust design and stainless steel construction
- Solid state Piezo sensor resistant to damage from air inrush and vibrations
- Compact system design with integrated electronics and sensor in one unit
- Mountable in any orientation for ease of installation
- Reduced process cycle time due to sensor’s fast, accurate and repeatable pressure measurements
- Ease of operation with both analog output and digital communication
- Multiple analog output emulations available
- Process control with up to three setpoint relays with fast response time
- Optional display version
With a measurement range of 0.1 to 1000 Torr full scale, the 902B sensor is ideal for a wide range of applications including semiconductor manufacturing, thin film coatings, freeze-drying, analytical instruments, medical devices, automotive and aerospace.
成都四洋科技有限公司是FSSC成員之一,位於中國國傢級成都經濟技術開發區。主要涉足低溫、電子、真空行業。公司擁有一批資深技術團隊,是集生產、貿易、維修服務為一體的高科技公司。公司核心技術人員依托美國Chart(原中國國企“金鳳“)及航空、核工業物理所技術優勢,致力於低溫儲存技術、真空絕熱技術、深冷處理技術的研究、開發及系統集成,提供特殊低溫應用領域的技術方案、產品設計及專用低溫設備研發;代理業務包括銷售國外知名產品:美國AEG調功器、美國AE(Advanced Energy)公司電源、美國MKS(萬機)真空計及流量計、德國普發Pfeiffer真空設備及機器、美國Brooks Automation CTI低溫冷泵、GP真空計、瑞士英福康inficon、Brooks instrument流量計、GNB真空閥門等產品。
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成都四洋科技有限公司是FSSC成員之一,公司總部位於中國國傢級成都經濟技術開發區,在上海、重慶設有事務代辦所。四洋科技是一傢專業的真空獲得、真空檢漏、低溫設備制造供應商,公司擁有一批資深技術團隊是集生產、貿易、維修服務為一體的高科技公司,並先後參與瞭國傢"863"、"125"部分項目研究合作,並建立瞭長期穩定的合作關系。公司秉承科技最前沿、技術一流的理念,與世界知名品牌MKS、Inficon英福康、Pfeiffer普發、Adixen阿爾卡特、Busch普旭、CVI低溫泵、VAT真空閥門、Swagelok真空配件、Line Tech流量計、Brooks Instrument流量計等建立瞭戰略合作關系。