- 產品品牌:雄鷹戰士
- 產品型號:戰術馬甲
- 材質:牛津
名稱 | 戰術馬夾 | 使用范圍 | 戶外 |
尺寸 | 20x38 | 重量 | 13GK |
功能特點 | 防刀,劍,斧等 |
加載中... 雄鷹戰士戶外用品發展有限公司
作為戶外用品生產銷售服務企業,公司本著互惠互利的原則,愿與廣大業務伙伴共謀發展,共同促進。 隨著業務的不斷擴展,,七年多以來一直致力于服務,讓利于客戶的宗旨,努力擴大國內外市場。
雄鷹戰士為您提供各類軍需用品:大部分產品采用高檔軍綠、迷彩面料,公司自行設計并生產的軍 品休閑時裝,填補了國內空白;把軍 隊的莊嚴威武與休閑的輕松隨意合二為一的軍 品休閑服飾、休閑鞋、軍 品休閑包等,為軍 品注入時尚元素;我們還根據您的要求進行設計和生產,努力滿足您的所有需求。
Guangzhou eagle warrior outdoor military development Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "the eagle warrior"), the eagle warrior was founded in February 2004, her predecessor is in elim dress ai factory.
As outdoor military production, sales and service enterprise, the company in line with the principle of mutual benefit, to cooperate with the partners seek common development, and work together to promote. With the business expansion, more than six years has been committed to service for the customer's aim, make great efforts to extend the market at home and abroad.
Now the company development as the set trade and production sales, as one of the enterprise, the product sold to the Middle East, Europe and America, southeast Asia countries, currently in Greece, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Congo, Burma, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Russia and other countries all have I ? of the company
