1. 設備簡介Device instruction:
1.1. 本機適用於剝離、剪切、拉斷等性能測試,如膠粘劑、膠粘帶、不乾膠、復合膜、人造革、編織袋、薄膜、紙張等相關產品。This machine is suitable for stripping, shear, tensile properties testing, such as adhesives, adhesive tape, adhesive, composite film, artificial leather, bags, film, paper and other related products. Apply to GB 4850、GB 7754、GB 8808、GB 13022、GB 7753、GB/T 17200、GB/T 2790、GB/T 2791、GB/T 2792、QB/T 2358 .
1.2 本機也可用於測量頭戴式耳機打開收縮夾持力。This machine is also measuring headphones opened the contraction clamping force.
2. 設備規格Device specification
控制方式Control method | 單片機+精密AC電機; MCU+ AC motor
試樣最大負荷 Load capacity | 200N |
力值精度/解析度Force precision / resolution
| 1% / 0.01N
1%,解析度:0.01KG |
測試最大行程Max. test space | 0-500mm adjustable
加載速度 | 50, 100 150 200 250 300,500mm/min |
機臺尺寸External size | W1000×D370×H400mm |
電源Power supply | 220V/5A/60W |
