德國AB 8291 TAS 80
進口溫度計 柴油廢氣不銹鋼充油耐震溫度計
Diesel Exhaust Thermometer, Rigid Stem TAS
Crimped-on ring case stainless steel
Diesel exhaust thermometers are particularly being used for the measurement of exhaust-and cooling water temperatures at diesel engines.
They are particularly construed for this high mechanical and technical loads, amongst others by the "jacket version" and the standard case fi lling with a highly viscous silicone oil.
For a longer service life, diesel exhaust thermometers should always be applied in combination with a thermowell.
Standard Versions
Information on general and metrological features (e.g temperature resistance) and temperature ranges / error limits / smallest subdivision can be found in model overview 8000.
Measuring Unit
with nitrogen fi lling
(inert gas, physiological harmless)
Accuracy (EN 13 190)
Class 1
With polished crimped-on ring, 1.4301 (304 stainless steel)
Case Protection Type (EN 60 529 / IEC 529)
IP 65
Case fi lling
Silicone oil
Nominal Case Sizes
63, 80, 100 (mm) (2½", 3", 4")
Case Confi guration
Connection temperature
sensor (stem): rigid stem with neck tube
Stem position: vertical bottom position,
optional: centre back position (rm),see page 2
Temperature Ranges
0 - 120 °C
50 - 650 °C
Temperature Sensor (Stem)
1.4571 (316 stainless steel),
max. static operating pressure: 25 bar
Stem model (jacket version): A5.5, A1.5 or A3.5
Stem- Ø dF: 10, 12 or 13 mm
Stem length (standard): 150, 200, 250, 300 or 400 mm
Lmin = 150 mm
Compression fi tting
for stem model A5.5: steel galvanised
Instrument glass
Brass/German silver
Aluminum, black fi gures, white background
Aluminum, black
Zero Adjustment (± 6%)
Externally by a screw
Ordering Information, Standard Temperature Ranges, Options
See page 4
Special Versions and further Options among others
• Other stem length and connection threads upon request
• Version for extreme loads
• Other temperature ranges and/or special scales, e.g.
double scale °C/°F, coloured fi elds or areas,
dial inscriptions, etc.
• Case parts 1.4404 (316 stainless steel) upon request
• Position of the connection at 3 o´clock, 9 o´clock, 12 o´clock,
others upon request or other than vertical installation (90°)
• GOST-version for Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan
See DS 8.8110 ff
Stem Position / Case Configurations, Code Letters, Dimensional Data and Weights
Stem Models
Ordering Information with Indication- and Temperature Ranges, Options
北威州的ARMATURENBAUGmbH 是一傢擁有長年生產壓力測量機器傳統的中型企業,它的前身是1903年成立的位於德國Halle/Saale的 August Beer 公司。大約180員工為瞭公司的前途不斷地努力工作。
MANOTHERMBeierfeld GmbH的前身是撒克遜州的“Meßgerätewerk Beierfeld”。自1957年以來,這裡生產工業用壓力和溫度測量機器以及氣體壓力溫度計、保護管、接觸壓力表、真空計,1991年MANOTHERMBeierfeld GmbH 作為 ARMATURENBAU GmbH 的子公司私有化。
MANOTHERMBeierfeld GmbH 客戶主要分佈在德國東部、東歐、前蘇聯國傢和中國這些地區和國傢之中。
歡迎致電咨詢訂購德國AB 8225.90 TFQS 96 進口方形帶毛細管麵板安裝電接點溫度計
電話:010-51669912 56291930 15910733293
QQ:823377546 1491421115 2636968574
