星光191 烙鐵溫度計
SUNKKO 191 Tips Thermometer
== 特 式 / FEATURE ==
1) 采用敏感的微型K熱電偶傳感器, 準確快捷測量焊咀溫度。
1) Adopted sensitive micro-K thermocouple detector provides quick and accurate temperature measurement of a tip.
2) 特殊合金鍍層的傳感器, 有效抵禦腐蝕及氧化。
2) Special alloy plating on detector has good resistance from corrosion and oxidation.
3) LED溫度顯示。
3) LED temperature display.
4) 電池轉弱及傳感器損壞提示檢查。
4) alert when battery weakness and detector failure.
5) 利用K熱電偶導線, 可測量熱風手柄的熱風, 或錫爐的錫液溫度。
5) Widely applied in measurement of hot air and liquid by K detector probe.
== SUNKKO 191 ==
電源: 006P, 9V乾電池
Power Supply: 006P, 9V Dry Battery
溫度范圍: 0~600 oC
Temperature: 0~600 oC
精密度: +/-3 oC
Precision: +/-3 oC
包裝: 209x5厘米Packing: 209x5 cm
毛重: 250克
Gross Weight: 250 g
*數據如有修改, 恕不另行通知。
*Information maybe revised without prior notice.
鑒於中國市場出現瞭嚴重冒牌SUNKKO星光產品的情況, 各買傢請向我們(SUNKKO星光生產商)直接訂購, 確保為高品質、高效能及高安全的正版SUNKKO星光產品。
**Friendly Note**
There is serious fake SUNKKO in China market. All buyers please order SUNKKO via us (SUNKKO Producer) directly to make sure the products are real and original SUNKKO quality, function and safety.
