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Storm Pro 2
The completely re-designed Storm Pro2 storm tracking system uses advanced charging circuitry to eliminate the need for costly battery purchases.
The new Intelicharge technology allows the use and charging of the Storm/Pro2 anywher in the world.
Storm distances are now automatically displayed in both Miles and Kilometers making this new system the most versatile portable storm tracking device ever made.
The Storm/Pro2 with Intelicharge is available in multiple housing colors including Safety Yellow, Carbon Tech and Camouflage.
1.Tracks dangerous thunderstorm activity from over 125 miles.
2.Large backlit LCD display with over 50 storm status updates, including: Storm Distance, ETA and Time to Clear.
3.Automatically displays in both Miles and Kilometers.
4.Visual and Audible storm warning alerts.
5.Rechargeable on any current and plug configuration in the world.
6.Low battery indicator.
- 曲目來自125英裡危險的雷暴活動。
- 大屏幕背光液晶顯示屏,超過50風暴狀態更新,包括:暴風距離,ETA和時間來清除。
- 在這兩個數和公裡自動顯示。
- 視覺和聽覺風暴預警警報。
- 充電對世界上任何電流和插頭配置。
- 低電量指示燈
