特性 & 利益
全技術機架 全金屬機架采用高品質鑄鋁,保護傳感器單元,避免環境影響和撞擊,並且能抵抗丙酮等化學試劑的腐蝕,即使是高強度的稱量應用,同樣確保年復一年的堅固和精確。 | |
MonoBloc inside MonoBloc, the proven high-performance weighing cell developed by world leader in weighing technologies, METTLER TOLEDO, guarantees a long service life and extreme ruggedness. | |
友好的用戶界麵 高對比顯示屏(HCD)具有大的顯示數字,清晰的字符和直觀的菜單,確保用戶方便快速的操作天平。此外,您隻需通過3個可設置的功能鍵(SmartKeys)即可啟動日常的稱量任務。 | |
once level, always level In addition to the adjustable feet at the front, the balance is equipped with LevelLock feet at the back, providing increased safety and anti-tilt capabilities. |
標準配置 | 所有型號提供 | ||||||||||||||||||||
規格 - MS6002S 精密天平
最大稱量范圍 | 6200 g |
可讀性 | 0.01 g |
