深圳市天立盈五金鐵線制品有限公司成立於1995年,是一傢資深的五金產品加工生產企業,在業內享有良好的口碑,頗受廣大客戶贊譽。經過十餘年的長足發展,公司在展示架、促銷架的生產上積累瞭寶貴的經驗,並在展示架的生產工藝上不斷地突破進取,公司自主開發瞭Building Blocks?系列和時尚屋®系列產品。公司以“高品質,高檔次,高性價比”為準繩,竭誠為您提供各類展示架設計、生產、服務,致力於讓您的產品與眾不同,助您在市場上獨占鰲頭。
在此,我們榮幸地向您介紹我們的自主品牌:Building Blocks?系列是享有獨傢專利的鋼木結構展示架品牌,采用獨特的設計結構可滿足您展示不同產品的需求,數以百計的配件讓您DIY出獨一無二的風格,是一款精致實用、方便實惠的優質產品。時尚屋®系列則主打經典的金屬展架,外觀時尚典雅,做工精美細膩,款式麵麵俱到;同時我們還提供特別定制服務,為您量身定做適合您自身需求的產品。
Welcome to glance over our website. We are the specialized design, the development, the manufacture, the sale in a body's comprehensive enterprise. Our product has the shelf, to demonstrate that the frame, advertisement, promote sales the frame, Chen Liejia, the flower trellis, the periodical rack, the material frame, the hard coil, hardware and so on each kind of hard skill frame. Great variety, great variety of goods.
Our company was established October, 1995. Had more than ten year production experiences, accumulated the rich specialized knowledge. We take this as the foundations, carries on the classification to the serial products, the induction, reorganizes. Carries on the standardization the commonly used structural element. The standardized instruction design, the standard production, improves the quality, reduces the cost.
we are willing for the fellow friends to provide the technical backstopping, the professional service, helps you to develop the market, the achievement your successful cause!
if you have a great idea, please tell me, me helps you to realize!
at the same time , we welcome to have the trade ability unit or individual cooperate with us, develops a bigger market together, strives for win-win.
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