1.4.產品圖片Picture of EXD 1800B
EDX 1800B model機型
EDX 1800B Model
1.5.工作條件Working Condition
●工作溫度:15-30℃ Working temperature: 15-30℃
●相對濕度:≤70% Relative humidity: ≤70%
●電 源:AC: 220±5V Power supply: AC 220±5V
1.6.技術性能及指標:Technical Performance and Specifications
The elements can be analyzed from the sulphur (S) to uranium (U)
The element content range from 1 ppm to 99.99% can be analyzed.
1.6.3.測量時間:60-200秒 Measurement time: 60-200s
1.6.4. RoHS指令規定的有害元素(限Cd/Pb/Cr/Hg/Br)其檢測限度最高達2ppm;
Detecting for hazardouselements(onlyCd/Pb/Cr/Hg/Br)restricted in RoHS directive, the limit can reach 2ppm
The measurement repeatability on many occasions can reach 0.1% of total intensity of fluorescence when the content of samples is greater than 96%.
Long-term working stability being 0.1% (total intensity offluorescence)
1.6.8.能量分辨率為135±5電子伏特Energy resolution: 135±5eV
1.6.9.溫度適應范圍為15℃至30℃ Suitable temperature range is from 15℃ to 30℃
Power supply: AC 220±5V. The purified AC regulated power supply is recommended.)
1.6.11.相互獨立的基體效應校正模型 Independent matrix effect correction model
1.6.12.多變量非線性回歸程序Multi-variable non-linear regression procedure
1.6.13.任意多個可選擇的分析和識別模型 Arbitrary optional analysis and identification models
1.6.14.一次可同時分析24個元素 Ability toanalyze24 elements simultaneously
2.機器硬件部分主要配置Main Hardware Configuration of EDX 1800B
2.1 矽針半導體探測器+放大電路:(最新型的探測器)
Silicon Pin Semiconductor Detector + Amplifier Circuit(streamlined detector)
技術指標及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
2.1.1.電制冷半導體探測器;分辨率:135±5電子伏特Electro-refrigeration semiconductor detector; Resolution: 135±5eV
2.1.2.對樣品特征X射線進行探測;把探測采集的信息進一步放大。對樣品的檢出限、測試精度大大提高。Detecting characteristic X rays of the samples, and amplifying the information from the detection. The detection limit is reduced and detection accuracy is increased greatly.
2.2 X光管X-Ray Tube
技術指標及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
2.2.1.使用壽命大於2萬小時Service life is longer than 20,000 hours.
2.2.2.產生X射線激發樣品Emitting X rays to excite the samples
2.3高、低壓電源High/Low Voltage Power Supply
技術指標及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
2.3.1.從5~50kV,1毫安 5~50kV, 1mA
2.3.2.為X光提供專用電源 Providing power supply exclusively to X-ray