Bio-Rad 高品質的電擊杯為您寶貴的樣品提供穩定的脈沖傳送,確保結果的重復性。電擊杯有 3 種不同的電療間距 -0.4、0.2 和 0.1 cm,針對不同的細胞類型選擇最理想的場強。
- 保證效率 — 使用這些電擊杯確保最高電轉化效率,制作精良的電擊間距公差保證瞭實驗間的重復性
- 通用兼容性 — 可以用於 Gene Pulser MXcell™,Gene Pulser Xcell™,Gene Pulser II
- 確保無菌 — 每一個電擊杯都在凈室環境下裝配、洗滌、加蓋和包裝,並經過γ射線
- 結構堅固 — 耐用的聚碳酸酯能承受極高的電壓
- 標有不同顏色的蓋和包裝袋 — 可快速地區分不同規格的電擊杯
- 一致的腔體形狀 — 無縫塑料模制避免瞭滲漏並保證鋁板
- 平行,這是均一的樣品處理和安全性的關鍵所在
- 平滑的電療表麵 — 鋁片經過 11 步嚴格的蝕刻和清洗處理,確保對整個樣品均一的脈沖傳送
Gene Pulser/MicroPulser Cuvettes
Pkg of 5, 0.4 cm gap sterile electroporation cuvette, for use with the Gene Pulser and MicroPulser systems, for mammalian and other eukaryotic cells
Gene Pulser/MicroPulser Cuvettes
Pkg of 5, 0.2 cm gap sterile electroporation cuvette, for use with the Gene Pulser and MicroPulser systems, for yeast, bacteria, and eukaryotic cells
Gene Pulser/MicroPulser Cuvettes
Pkg of 5, 0.1 cm gap sterile electroporation cuvette, for use with the Gene Pulser and MicroPulser systems, for yeast and bacteria
Gene Pulser/MicroPulser Cuvettes
Pkg of 50, 0.4 cm gap sterile electroporation cuvette, for use with the Gene Pulser and MicroPulser systems, for mammalian and other eukaryotic cells
Gene Pulser/MicroPulser Cuvettes
Pkg of 50, 0.2 cm gap sterile electroporation cuvette, for use with the Gene Pulser and MicroPulser systems, for yeast, bacteria, and eukaryotic cells
Gene Pulser/MicroPulser Cuvettes165-2089
