1.三軸測量,可單獨讀取單軸數值prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
測棒Size:φ70 x 240(L) mm (EMF-819)
測棒Size:φ70 x 290(L) mm (EMF-839)
Size:200(L) x 76.2(W) x 36.8(H) mm
顯示器 | 58 x 34mm液晶顯示屏 |
測量范圍 | EP-03H:100MHz~3GHz EP-04L:100kHz~100MHz |
操作環境溫度 | 0 to 50℃(32 to 122℉) |
操作環境濕度 | 低於80%RH |
取樣時間 | 大約1秒 |
工作電源 | 9V乾電池*1 |
重量 | 523g/1.16磅(含電池) |
尺寸 | 200 x 76.2 x 36.8mm(6.4 x 2.7 x 0.9 inch) 傳感器直徑70mm,長290mm |
標準配備 | 操作說明書x1本 EP-03H傳感器(含記憶卡)x1隻 EP-04L傳感器(含記憶卡)x1隻 9V變壓器x1隻 金屬攜行盒x1隻 |
選購配件 | RS232連接線UPCB-02 USB接口傳輸線USB-01 數據紀錄軟件SW-U801-WIN |
* 3 Axis probe. Circuit Custom one-chip of microprocessor LSI
* Wide measuring frequency ranges, 100 KHz to 3 GHz. circuit.
* Radio frequency electromagnetic field tester. Display LCD size : 58 mm x 34 mm.
* EMF-839 is used for broadband devices of monitoring Measurement V/m, mW/cm^2, W/m^2.
the wide range radio frequency electromagnetic field Unit
value. Accuracy < 2 dB.
* For precision measurement consideration, the meter Probe structure 3 Axis.
are included two probes : Probe Type EP-03H : 100 MHz to 3 GHz.
EP-04L ( Low frequency Probe, 100 KHz to 100 MHz ) selecion EP-04L : 100 kHz to 100 MHz.
EP-03H ( High frequency Probe, 100 MHz to 3 GHz ) Probe Input 50 OHM
* Unit : V/m, W/m^2, mW/cm^2. Impedance
* Alarm setting function can warn the user if the Frequency EP-03H: 900 MHz, 1 GHz, 1.8 GHz,
measuring antenna is too near the strong radiation Selection 2.4 GHz, 2.45 GHz, 3 GHz.
sources, the buzzer will sound to remind the user. Points EP-04L: 100kHz, 200kHz, 500kHz, 1MHz,
* Peak hold function to latch peak value. 10MHz, 13.56MHz, 100MHz.
* Data hold function to lock the current reading. Sensor Semiconductor
* RS232 computer interface. Structure
* Real time data logger, build in clock ( hour-MIN-sec., Sampling Time Manual Press the data logger button
year-month-date ). of Data Logger once will save data one time.
* Auto or manual data record, 16,000 Data logger no. * Set the sampling time to
* Wide sampling time adjustment range from one second 0 second
to 8 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds. Auto 1 sec to 8 hour 59 min. 59 sec.
* Compact metallic carry case. Data Hold Freeze the display reading.
* Large size LCD with contrast adjustment, which can fit REC Function Record Maximum & Minimum value.
best viewing angle. Power off Auto shut off saves battery life or
* Microcomputer circuit provides special function & offers manual off by push button.
high accuracy. * Can default auto power off or manual
* Powered by 006P DC 9V battery or DC 9V adapter. power off.
* When default auto power off ,
APPLICATIONS power will off automatically after
This meter is specially developed for measuring or 10 min. if no button be pressed.
monitoring electromagnetic field, for example: cell-phone Peak Hold To latch the peak measurement value.
station, hospital equipment, radar , micro-wave oven, Alarm Setting Buzzer will sound when display over the
radiation work, TV antenna , Radio station , welding setting value.
equipment , baking- equipment, television , computer , Sampling Time Approx. 1 second.
factory, laboratory , and other environment...etc. Low Battery When display show Low battery
Indicator Indicator, it should change the batteries.
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Data Output RS 232 PC serial interface.
Operating 0 to 50 ℃.
Danger Temperature
* For worker's safety, be aware that persons with Operating Less than 80 %RH.
electromagnetic implant ( e.g. cardiac-pacemarker ) are Humidity
subject to especial danger in some case. Power Supply DC 9 V battery ( 006P )
* Particular to observe the local safety regulations of the * Heavy duty or Alkaline type.
operator of the equipment. DC 9V adapter input.
* Before using the device, it need to know that how to Power Current Approx. DC 5.95 mA
setting " alarm-limit " value. Weight 523 g/ 1.16 LB.
Dimension Main instrument :
Attention 200.0 x 76.2 x 36.8 mm
* Claims by some scientists that long term exposure to Probe :
electromagnetic field may be the cause of childhood 70 mm ( diameter) x 290 mm ( length)
leukemia & other forms of cancer. Accessories Instruction manual...........................1 PC
* Complete answers to any of these and related Included EP-03H Probe.............................. 1 PC
questions are not currently available. At the present EP-04L Probe................................. 1 PC
time the most common practice is to avoid excess Memory card for EP-03H................. 1 PC
exposure over long period of time. Memory card for EP-04L................. 1 PC
* Complete answers to any of these and related DC 9V power adapter..................... 1 PC
" Prudent Avoidance " as stated by the Environmental metal carrying case..........................1 PC
Protection Agency(EPA) USA is recommended. Optional RS232 cable, UPCB-02.
* According to ICNIRP of reference levels to time-varying Accessories USB cable, USB-01.
electromagnetic fields,The E-field strength levels are: Data Acquisition software,SW-U801-WIN.
Data Logger software, SW-DL2005.
General public
Frequency range e-field strength (V/m) ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ( 23 ± 5 ℃ )
3 to 150 kHz 87 Strength Range Resolution Effective Value
0.15 to 1 MHz 87 0~200.00 V/m 0.01 V/m > 1 V/m
1 to 10 MHz 87/f^1/2 0~99.999 W/m^2 0.001 W/m^2 > 0.03 W/m^2
10 to 400 MHz 28 0~9.9999 mW/cm^2 0.0001 mW/cm^2 > 0.0003 mW/cm^2
400 to 2000 MHz 1.375 x f^1/2
2 to 300 GHz 61 Frequency range Accuracy Cal. level Probe no.
*100 KHz to 100 MHz < 2 dB 30 V/m EP-04L
Occupational *50 MHz to 3 GHz < 2 dB 60 V/m EP-03H
Frequency range e-field strength (V/m) Remark:
65 to 1000 kHz 610 * EP-04L probe's accuracy is specified within 400 KHz to 100 MHz
1 to 10 MHz 610/f only. If measurement frequency range is < 400 KHz, the
10 to 400 MHz 61 reading value just for reference only.
400 to 2000 MHz 3 x f^1/2 * EP-03H probe's accuracy is specified within 100 MHz to 2.5 GHz
2 to 300 GHz 137 only. If measurement frequency range is < 100 MHz or > 2.5
GHz , the reading value just for reference only.
* For precision measurement consideration, it should select
the " Frequency Team point " near the frequency value of
measuring object.
* Appearance and specifications listed in this brochure are subject to change without notice. 0906-EMF839
