品牌 | 勁威選礦機械 | 型號 | 中 |
別名 | 洗礦機 | 用途 | 用於各種礦物的脫泥,清洗 |
給料粒度 | 10-20(mm) | 電動機型號 | 0.55 |
電動機功率 | 1.5(kw) | 外形尺寸 | 800(mm) |
重量 | 0.8(t) | 槽型 | 順流槽 |
螺旋轉速 | 35 | 水槽坡度 | 25 |
旋流器類型 | 水力旋流器 |
型號有:大型,中型,小型。 適用各種含礦的土泥用水進行清洗。 處理量:3-15T/H. 減速機型號:250-400. 主軸轉速:根據含量多少調配。 安裝度:30`左右。 |
桂林灌陽勁威選礦機械廠專業生產各種型號成套提純選礦設備:磁選設備 水力選礦設備 錫礦山尾礦 礦山選礦設備錳礦強磁磁選機 節能水式褐鐵礦磁選機 礦山選礦設備洗礦機 錳礦干式強磁磁選機 六磁輥組合式強磁磁選機 礦山選礦設備烘乾機 其他選礦設備桂林電話:15878382748南寧電話:13077704522 肖總 公司網址:http://www.gljwxkjxc.cn歡迎各路朋友來電咨詢與交流!
我廠研製的選礦設備洗礦機XL雙軸洗礦機 XL系列洗礦機是由一種用於各種礦物的脫泥,清洗。是在礦山行業不可缺少的礦山機械產品,特別是清洗鐵礦,錳礦使用最為突出處理量大,便於安裝,成本低,經久耐用效率高!電話15878382748 肖 公司網址http://www.gljwxkjxc.cn郵箱:[email protected]歡迎各路朋友來電咨詢與交流!
High-quality service:
1. corresponds the model according to the customer physical demand or the dressing experiment for the customer disposition machine
2. engineers and technicians and the user communicates the scene to plan the location, the design best flow and the plan.
3. is the customer free training technical personnel, sends the engineers and technicians free instruction installation assistance the debugging, this
4, my factory production equipment to implement three package according to the national standards. The product quality wraps a half year
5, to provide the technical advisory work, and according to user request improvement product.
6, my factory elder supplies machine vulnerable
consultation and the exchange
Unique feature use
manganese ore permanent magnetism roller type strong magnetism magnetic ore separator, another name for the dry strong magnetism magnetic separation mechanical device, is processes the depuration dressing mechanical device, after magnetism source is uses the high performance permanent magnetism material rare earth neodymium iron boron (magnet steel) an its life 7-9 year service, may continue to use, the magnetic field is invariable. The simple maintenance is convenient, easy to control, to gives the ore granularity, the density and the personal status fluctuation compatibility strong and so on merits. But the thorough jettisoning impurity enhances the manganese ore personal status large scale. This series equipment uses in the poor manganese ore the magnetic separation, can disposable be smaller than the granularity 5 millimeters poor manganese ores concentrates, enhances the manganese 5-18 personal statuses, solved over the years the poor manganese ore not to be able well to enter stove smelting, to sell a difficult major problem. After manganese ore Confucian classics carved on stone magnetic separation depuration, can have the quite considerable economic efficiency. The manganese ore magnetic ore separator is the manganese ore processing factory and the mine enterprise's best investment plan, the investment rate of return is extremely high. The manganese ore magnetic ore separator may also use in mineral and so on limonite, rutile, niobium tantalum ore separation depuration.