- 產品品牌:ipega
- 產品型號:PG-IP099
1 采用筆記本電腦鍵盤制作工藝,外型時尚美觀,手感極佳;
2 鍵盤內置大容量可充電鋰電池,超長待機,使用時間更持久;
3 當不使用時將鍵盤向兩側滑動,便可將整個鍵盤折疊收起;
4 充電至飽和需2小時,充滿電后可持續使用約40小時;
5 具備多媒體按鍵,使操作更加便捷;
6 電話聽筒可自由拆卸,拆下后可單獨用于iPad、iphone;
Micro USB 充電線×1
User Manual(使用說明)
1.1 使用鍵盤與iPad進行配對時,展開鍵盤按一下“CONNECT”按鈕,藍牙LED為藍燈閃爍(鍵盤會處于可檢測狀態3分鐘,或是與iPad完成對碼為止),對碼時iPad會提示輸入密碼,在鍵盤上輸入后按Enter鍵即可完成配對,后期使用時將無需再次輸入密碼.
1.2 若要對鍵盤進行充電,請使用配適的USB充電線將鍵盤接入PC或iPad火牛進行充電,充電時電池LED指示燈為紅燈長亮,電量飽和后LED藍燈長亮。
1.3 鍵盤帶低電壓報警功能,當電量過低時LED為紅燈閃爍,持續至電量耗盡后熄滅,此時可依上述方法為鍵盤充電。
1.4 當聽筒接入iPad進行語音通話時,聽筒上的掛機按鍵無法中斷通話(注:聽筒上接聽掛機鍵,只可在聽筒單獨接入iPhone手機進行正常通話時使用)。
1.5 不使用鍵盤時,可將鍵盤折疊收起,鍵盤收起后即可關閉電源,此狀態下并不影響對鍵盤進行充電。
~.首頁(返回); 1.搜索; 2.輸入法切換; 3.亮度-; 4.亮度+; 5.幻燈片; 6.虛擬鍵盤; 7.上一首; 8.播放/暫停; 9.下一首; 0.靜音; —音量-; =.音量+; Delete.鎖定,如要使用此功能,請按住fn鍵然后再按對應的功能鍵,當iPad2鎖屏后,按鍵盤上任意按鍵都可以進行解鎖。
Introduction:This product is design for iPad2/iPad3, foldable bluetooth keyboard,with headset design, can use for talk and view chat, easy to use. 1 With laptop keyboard design, good outlook and feeling; 2 Inside with rechargable lithium battery, could be used for a long time; 3 When you do not use, pls slide the two sides to fold the keyboard;4 Charging time is about 2 hours,using time is 40 hours after fully charged;
5 With different keys, easy to use;
6 Headphone could disassembly out of this product and freely to use for iPad、iPhone;
This product include:
Micro USB Charging Cable × 1
Wired telephone handset × 1User Manual:
1.1 When using the keyboard to pair with the iPad, expand the keyboard to click "CONNECT" button. The Bluetooth LED will be flashing blue light (the keyboard will be in the detecting state for 3 minutes until the pairing is completed) When pairing, iPad will be prompted to enter password. Press the enter key to complete the pairing. No need to enter the password again for the late use.
1.2 For charging for the keyboard, use fitted the USB charging cable to get access with a PC or iPad AC adapter. When charging, the battery LED indicator is red. When fully charged, LED light will be bright blue.
1.3 Keyboard is with low voltage alarm. Red LED light is blinking when the battery life is low. Users can charge the keyboard using the above method.
1.4 When the handset access iPad to make voice calls, hang-up button on the handset cannot interrupt calls (Note: answer / hang-up button on the handset, can only be used in a normal call that the handset alone access to the iPhone).
1.5 When the keyboard is not in use, the keyboard is foldable. Then the keyboard can be power off. This state does not affect the charging process of the keyboard.
Multimedia function keys:
Home (return)
1. Search; 2 Switch modes; 3. Brightness -; 4. Brightness +; 5. Slide; 6. Virtual keyboard; 7. Previous song; 8. Play / Pause; 9. Next song; 0. Mute; - volume -; = volume +; Delete lock. To use this feature, press and hold the fn key and then press the corresponding function key.If the iPad 2 screen is closing, just press any key on this keyboard can be opened again.
1.1 The first time use the keyboard should sync,sync will need to enter six-digit password. After the success of sync, you may operating the keyboard directly, without duplication of sync.
1.2 Please do not place the keyboard to high temperature and wet placement.
1.3 Please do not squeeze hard, or fell, smashing the keyboard.
1.4 Please do not drag the telephone cable heavily .
1.5 Please do not pour water on the keyboard or put the keyboard into the water inside.
