EDX 8800E能量色散X熒光光譜機 EDX8800E
EDX8800E absorbs all the advantages of EDX series and is additionally equipped with vacuum system, so that it expands testing scope, improves the detection limit and enhances the data stability.
Product Features
- 1. 采用國際最先進的美國原裝進口SDD(SILICON DRIFT DETECTOR)矽漂移探測器,分辨率更高, 大大提高瞭輕元素的檢出限,標準檢出限較SI-PIN探測器提高100倍;測量范圍更寬,基本涵蓋瞭各種常規材料元素分析要求;
The silicon draft detector imported from America with higher energy resolution largely improves the detection limit of light elements which is 100 times higher than that of Si-pin detector. Measurement scope is wider which can almost meet element analysis requirements of all conventional material.
- 2. 配置美國原裝進口數據集成處理系統,數據采集速度更快,測量更穩定,重復性和長期穩定性更好;
Data integration processing system imported from America makes data acquisition faster, measurement more stable with excellent repeatability and long-time stability.
- 3. 配置最新開發的專用測量軟件,集成多種圖形計算方法,測量數據更精準,更穩定;
Up-to-date software integrating multiple image computering methods makes data measurement more accurate and stable.
- 4. 軟件全麵監控機器主要核心部件運行狀態,使用更安全;
Software full monitors core parts running ensures safe operation.
- 5. 配置專門開發的真空系統,真空性能更好,測試效果更佳;
Specialized vacuum system offers better vacuum performance and excellent testing results.
1. 元素分析范圍從鈉(Na)到鈾(U)
Measurable elements: Na-U
2.. 元素含量分析范圍為1ppm到99.99%
Element content: 1ppm-99.99%
3. 最低檢出限:1ppm
Detection limit: 1ppm
3. 測量時間:60-200秒(可調)
Measurement time: 60-200s (adjustable)
4. 機器工作電源:AC220±5V
5. 能量分辨率為129±5eV
Energy resolution: 129±5 eV
6. X 射線光管最大輸出電流:1mA
X-ray tube maximum output current: 1mA
7. 極限壓力:6.7×10-2 Pa
Ultimate pressure:6.7×10-2 Pa
8.樣品腔尺寸:610*320*100(mm)(不抽真空)/Φ100*h75(mm) (真空樣品腔)
Sample chamber size: 610*320*100(mm) (Without vacuum)/Φ100*h75(mm) (Vacuum)
Long-time working stability(subject to standard sample):±0.05%(high content)
10.長期工作穩定性(以標準樣品為準)±:0.06% (高含量)/±0.0025%(微量)
Excellent repeatability(subject to standard sample):0.06%((high content)/±0.0025%(micro-content)