This is the notorious replica version of APEXi DECS tachometer. This replica version is so well-made that many other sellers are trying to pass them off as genuine. Similar to genuine ones, the replica version also measure tachometer, gear shift points (w/ shift indicators), oil temperature, oil pressure and water temperature accurately. For 1/5 of its original price, this replica version is worth considering. Item is brand in box, complete with all accessories .
The above photos are taken from the actual product.
Product features: -
- 5" Tachometer (reads from 0-11,000 RPM)
- 120mm-dia Gear Shift Lights Indicator (Can be customized to light up at any point between 2000 RPM-11000RPM)
- White Panel with EL Illumination for Night View
- Multi function Digital Display to measure Oil Temperature, Oil Pressure and Water Temperature
- Four Side buttons for easy operation
- Recall Mode
- Warning Mode with Indicator Light
- Playback function
- Peak Memory function with Indicator Light
Package Contents: -
- 1x 5" Tachometer
- 1x Oil Senders
- 1x Gear Shift Light Indicator
- 1x Mounting Brackets
- Other fitting bits and wiring harness
- 1x APEXi fitting instruction and user manual
important Note:
This is the replica version of APEXi DECS Tachometer.
