
  • iPad Bluetooth Keyboard with Telephone
    商品代碼: 373700
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      iPad Bluetooth Keyboard with Telephone蘋果 ipad iphone 藍牙鍵盤電話 ipad  iphone skype藍牙鍵盤+電話IntroductionThis product is design for Ipad, Bluetooth function, and it also could use as a Telephone for calling or video chat. Easy carry and practicality.1 Design like a notebook keyboard, good outlooking and feeling good.2 Built-in high-capacity rechargeable lithium battery, long standby time. More durable.3 With USB interface. Connect the device to PC through USB connecting cableor iPad / iphone power adapter to charge the keyboard.4 Charging Time is2 hours, it could use40 hoursafter fully charged.5 Compatible for Iphone3G,4G,iPad1/iPad2.6. With a number of shortcut keys make the operation more convenient.This product include:   USB charging cable (big 4pin turn to a small 5pin long 1000mm) 1pcs   3.5mm audio adapter cable 1pcs User Manual 1.1 Turn on power switch, Bluetooth keyboard sync indicator lights on and flash slowly, that has entered the Bluetooth searching state, and the indicator light turns off automatically after 3 seconds. 1.2 IPad console settings menu, the "Bluetooth" option to select the "Open" state, and press keys FC on the keyboard 2 seconds will turn flash light on the code that has been entered on the keyboard code state , the keyboard and the host will automatically iPad code, the code will be successful iPad console connection prompt, and asked to enter matching password, then enter the iPad host the 6-digit code displayed, press the ENTER key to confirm the keyboard that smooth connection with the console. 1.3 When user want to use the telephone, just take up the headphone. If user want to stop telephone, just press the ring off button. 1.4 when the iPad system enter into power saving mode , press any key to wake the keyboard. 1.5 When user does not use the keyboard, just the power switch to OFF at the can. 1.6 Keyboard with low-voltage alarm function, when battery power is low, the power indicator light flashes ,it expressed the keyboad need to be charged,at this time you could use the USB cable connected to PC to charge the keyboard. When charging, the power indicator light red,when the keyboard is fully charged, the indicator will turn blue.  QTY :10PCSNW:6.4KGGW:6.95KGSMEAS:33*25*24.5CM for ipad 2 Bluetooth Keyboard with skype Telephone accessories PG-IP090 ipad藍牙鍵盤電話 ipad 2skype藍牙鍵盤+電話Introduction(產品介紹)  本產品是為iPad主機所設計的一款藍牙鍵盤,具備有線電話設計,可用作語音通話或是視頻聊天,便捷,實用。  1  采用筆記本電腦鍵盤制作工藝,外型時尚美觀,手感極佳。  2  鍵盤內置大容量可充電鋰電池,超長待機,使用時間更持久。  3  具備USB接口,可通過USB連接線連接PC設備或iPad/iphone電源適配器為鍵盤充電。  4  充電至飽和需2小時,充滿電后可持續使用約40小時。  5  兼容于iPhone3G,4G及iPad1/iPad2。  6  具備多項的快捷按鍵,使操作更加便捷。  7  當不使用時將ipad主機扣放于鍵盤上,即可為ipad提供有效防護。本產品包含配件:  USB 充電線(大4pin轉小5pin 長1000mm)  1PCS  3.5mm音頻轉接線 1PCS User Manual(使用說明)  1.1  將電源開關撥至ON處,鍵盤上的藍牙對碼指示燈亮起并慢閃,表示鍵盤已進入藍牙搜索狀態,且指示燈會在3秒鐘后自動熄滅。  1.2  在iPad主機的設置菜單中,將‘Bluetooth’選項選擇為‘打開’狀態,并長按鍵盤上的藍牙連接鍵2秒,對碼指示燈將轉為快閃,即鍵盤已進入對碼狀態,鍵盤與iPad主機將會自動對碼,對碼成功后iPad主機上會有連接提示,并要求輸入配對密碼,此時輸入iPad主機上顯示的6位數字密碼,按ENTER鍵確認后,鍵盤即可與主機順利連接。  1.3  需要語音通話時,只需將聽筒拿起即可。當按下聽筒上的掛機按鍵即可中斷通話。  1.4  當iPad主機進入省電模式后,按下鍵盤任意按鍵即可喚醒。  1.5  不使用鍵盤時,只需將電源開關撥至OFF處即可。  1.6  鍵盤帶低電壓報警功能,當電池電量過低時,電源指示燈會轉入閃爍狀態,表示需要對鍵盤進行充電,此時可用配套的USB轉接線接至iPad原裝適配器或PC設備為鍵盤充電。充電時,電源指示燈亮紅燈,充電飽和后轉為藍燈。Attention(注意事項)  1.1  首次使用時需要將鍵盤與主機對碼,對碼時需要輸入六位數字密碼。對碼成功后,再次使用時可直接操作鍵盤,無需重復對碼。  1.2  請不要將產品放置在高溫或潮濕處儲存。  1.3  請不要用力擠壓,或是摔,砸鍵盤。  1.4  請不要大力拉扯電話線。  1.5  請不要將水倒于鍵盤內或是將鍵盤投入水中。  1.6  首次為鍵盤充電請保證充滿八小時以上。公司介紹:       深圳鑫派恪電子技術有限公司如建于1994年,總公司在香港,本公司屬香港總公司中國大陸分公司,公司位于深圳寶安區新工業園,工廠面積20000平方米,現在員工600余人。       主營生產ipad配件、ipad2配件、iphone3G配件、iphone4G配件、ipod配件公司及游戲機配件,本著“誠信為本,不斷創新,服務大眾”的經營理念,會一如繼往地,不斷努力地為廣大消費者及廣大客人研制和創造出更多更好品質的產品.歡迎廣大新老朋友前來指導及洽談!我公司歡迎OEM訂單和ODM訂單! 深圳鑫派恪電子技術有限公司工廠地址:深圳市寶安區65區興業路海濱工業園A棟7樓客戶專線:曹迪先生 13714105728                                 0755-27911888-8036                                 QQ:375206500

    iPad Bluetooth Keyboard with Telephone_平板電腦_筆記本電腦及配件_電腦、數位科技_貨源_批發一路發
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