測量參數 Measure parameters:
放大倍數 Amplified factor β: (0~99)
開關時間 Switching time TS(0.01μs~99.9μs)
飽和壓降 VCES(0~2V),正向壓降 VBE(0~2V)
◆ 測試條件可按要求自由調節或設定
Freely adjustment or set of testing conditions according to requirement
◆ 分檔、超限判據可自由設定,對不合格產品可發出聲光報警
Grouping values and limit values freely set, alarm when measured value exceed the limit
性能 Functions:
◆ 測量參數 Measure parameters:
開關時間 Switching time T (0.01μs~99.9μs),包括上升時間,存儲時間,下降時間 including Tr,Ts,Tf
飽和壓降 VCES(0~2V),正向壓降 VBE(0~2V)
漏電流 Leakage current ICEO(0.1μA~3mA)
耐壓 Withstand voltage BVCEO(50V~650V)
◆ 對測試的開關時間、β進行分檔,可顯示批號;對VCES、VBE、ICEO、BVCEO進行超限判斷,不合格的發出聲光報警,並用指示燈指明不合格項
Pre-set grouping values for T & β, selector can display group number and alarm when measured values of VCES, VBE, ICEOand BVCEOexceed t
he limit, meanwhile indicating the unqualified item
◆ 測試條件可按要求自由調節或設定 Freely adjustment or set of testing conditions according to requirement
A. β測試 Ib註入電流有三檔 Three different Ibcurrents for β test: 0.1mA, 1mA, 10mA
B. 開關時間測試 Ic電流有四檔 Four different Iccurrents for switching time test: 0.5A, 0.25A, 0.1A, 0.05A
對應 Ib電流為the corresponding currents Ib: 0.1A, 0.05A, 0.02A, 0.01A
C. 漏電流 ICEO測試電壓 Test voltage for leakage current ICEO: 50~650V 連續可調 continuously adjustable
◆ 分檔、超限判斷可自由設定,掉電自動保存,機器能同時保存20組數據,使用時隻要調出其中一組即可
Grouping values and limit values freely set, with automatically saving function in case of power cut; the instrument can save 20 different settings,
choose one setting when using
◆ 四窗口數字顯示所測數據,讀數直觀 4 windows for displaying measured values, easy to read, and printable
熱敏參數 是衡量晶體管VBE,β,ICEO 等參數在常溫和高溫下的變化量,是晶體管的重要特性,受到越來越多的鎮流器生產廠傢重視。因為鎮流器內部溫度很高,高溫下晶體管的VBE,β,ICEO 等參數會發生變化,如果變化量過大,將嚴重降低產品可靠性。
功能 Characteristics:
◆ 常溫下測量的參數 Parameters measured under normal temperature:
開關時間 Switching time T (0.01μs~99.9μs),包括上升時間,存儲時間,下降時間 including Tr,Ts,Tf
漏電流 Leakage current ICEO(0.1μA~3mA)
耐壓 Withstand voltage BVCEO(50V~650V)
◆ 高溫下測量的參數 Parameters measured under high temperature: β, VBE, ICEO
◆ 對比常溫和高溫下的兩次測量結果,對β、VBE、ICEO三項參數變化量超過一定范圍的管子以聲光報警,予以剔除
Compare the results of β, VBE, ICEOmeasured in normal and high temperature, the selector will alarm to those
variations exceed the preset limits so that operators can pick them out
◆ 對T、β進行分檔,可顯示批號;對VCES、VBE、 ICEO、BVCEO及熱敏參數進行超限判斷,不合格的聲光報警, 並指示不合格項
Pre-set grouping values for T & β, selector can display group number and alarm when measured values of VCES,
VBE, ICEOand BVCEOexceed the limits, meanwhile indicating the unqualified item
◆ 測試條件可按要求自由調節或設定 Freely adjusting or setting of test conditions according to requirement
A. β測試 β testing: Ib 註入電流有三檔 three different Ib current: 0.1mA, 1mA, 10mA
B. 開關時間測試 Switching time test: Ic 電流有四檔 4 different Ic current: 0.5A, 0.25A, 0.1A, 0.05A
對應 Ib電流為 the corresponding current Ib: 0.1A, 0.05A, 0.02A, 0.01A
C. 對晶體管加熱條件 Heating condition for transistor:
加熱電壓 Heating voltage: 5~20V 連續可調 continuously adjustable
加熱時間 Heating time: 0~9.9s 連續可調 continuously adjustable
◆ 分檔、超限判斷可自由設定,掉電自動保存,機器能夠同時保存20組數據,使用時隻要調出其中一組即可
Grouping values and limit values freely set, with automatically saving function in case of power cut; the instrument can save 20
different settings, choose one setting when using
◆ 四窗口數字顯示所測數據,讀數直觀,可打印所測數據
4 windows for displaying measured values, easy to read, and printable
