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    噴塑機 靜電粉體噴槍 噴塗機批發
    商品代碼: 3685758
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    靜電粉末噴槍  粉體噴槍 靜電噴粉設備




    通過按鍵選擇平板工件 死角工件重噴工件中任一種靜電噴塗程序,靜電高壓及電流被自動設置成最佳值,這是為噴塗各種形狀工件及金屬粉末提供最佳上粉率所需的靜電參數,並在最大化程度上克服瞭電暈式靜電噴塗設備操作上的法拉第效應





    Advantages and characteristics

    All parameters of powder electrostatic spraying are intelligently controlled by computers 

    Control programs are selected by keys

    selec any program among flat work—piece, dead angle work piece , respray work piece , by the keys , the electrostatic high pressure and electrical current are to be automatically set at the optimal valves which provide the electrostatic parameters necessary for the best powder utilization rate when spraying on different shapes of work piece 

    In this way , the faraday effects in operation of corona electrostatic spray machines are also avoided to the maximal degree


    As different work pieces and powders require different quanitites of powder output and strengths of pulverization , the equipment  is specially provided with three sets of pressure regulating valves for the purpose of finely regulating the quantities of powder output and strength of pulverization

    Technical parameters

    Electronic control system


    Input voltage 220v

    Input frequency  50HZ

    Input power    50W

    Output voltage  16VDC

    MAX  Output current 100uA

    Valve control voltage  24VDC

    Pneumatic control unit

    Valve control voltage  24 VDC

    Input air pressure  6-8bar

    Water content within the compressed air   max 1.3g.Nm3

    Oil content within the compressed air      max 0.01 gN m3

    Air flow  max 19g.N M3

    Electrostatic powder spray gun 

    Input voltage  0-24V

    Input f frequency  17kHZ

    Output voltage the optimal valve is automatically selected

    Output current the optimal valve is automatically selected

    Connecting cable  5M

    噴塑機 靜電粉體噴槍 噴塗機批發_靜電發生設備_塗裝設備_機械設備_貨源_批發一路發
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