以上報價均為零售價,各地經銷商如有興趣,歡迎旺旺咨詢! 本機采用大型旋梭同步帶傳動,縫制皮革,箱包,成衣,等中厚麵料的直縫和曲縫,更換部件,可做上包芯及花邊用途,最大轉速2000轉/分,振幅0-8mm及0-10mm兩種針跡長度,30mmm,壓腳高度9-12mm,電機功率370W. The machine adopts the large-scale Hook timing belt drive, sewing leather, bags, garments, fabrics, such as thick and curly straight seam sewing, replacement parts, can be cored and lace on purpose, the greatest speed 2000 r / min, amplitude 0-8mm, and 0-10mm length of two stitches, 30mmm, a high pressure foot 9-12mm, motor power 370W. |
