| 蘇州歐拓自動化控制設備有限公司---瑞士KISTLER/KELLER奇石樂,開關,傳感器,數顯表等,德國BARKSDALE巴士德 流量開關 流量計 流量傳感器 流量控制器,法國ATMI 浮球液位開關,防爆開關,液位計,流量開關,流量計等,意大利FEAM防爆電氣機器機表,德國BWT 倍世 水處理系統 過濾 沉降 消毒等機器設備,德國SUCO蘇克,SUKU蘇庫 壓力開關 溫度開關,壓力傳感器,壓力變送器,溫度變送器,意大利原裝進口ATOS阿托斯泵閥,比例閥,德國BD SENSORS 歐智博德 壓力傳感器 壓力開關 液位計,數顯表頭,德國HKM 汽車 飛機 稱重系統,手剎力計PKH2.0,腳踏測力計,PK100,數顯手持表HT2.0,HT3.4,HT6.0等,德國PIL皮爾傳感器,德國HONSBERG豪斯派克HONSCO,壓力變送器,壓力開關,溫度變送器,溫度開關,流量開關,液位開關,流量計,液位計等,英國ALBRIGHT 點火開關,TVH點火鑰匙開關,德國WIKA威卡,瑞士TRAFAG,壓力表,傳感器,SF6氣體密度計,電力設備專用,芬蘭DYNASET丹納森 高壓水泵,芬蘭VAISALA維薩拉,德國AB,壓力表,溫度計,傳感器,變送器等,意大利ATOS阿托斯 泵 閥 ,德國CS 希爾思 露點機,流量計,空氣顆粒計數器,測漏機器,德國BWT水處理系統 專業設備供應商,新加坡DIGI-PAS 迪派士 電子水平機,電子水平尺,高精度二維數位水平機,德國SIKA 壓力,溫度,流量,液位等,德國LABOM朗博 壓力表,溫度計,傳感器,生物制藥食品化工鋼廠等專業,德國KUEBLER庫伯勒編碼器,傾角機,德國SUCO蘇克 SUKU蘇庫 壓力開關,壓力變送器,壓力控制器德國MAHLE馬勒過濾器,濾芯,美國PARKER派克,奧地利E+E,德國EGE流量開關,液位開關,流量計,流量傳感器德國SIKA席卡,美國ALICAT,美國PROPORTION-AIR,日本KOFLOC小島流量計/流量控制器,德國BEHR貝洱,德國EAW油冷散熱設備,德國BUEHLER比勒,意大利FOX,ELETTROTEC伊萊科,EUROSWITCH,壓力文流量液位開關,傳感器等,瑞士ROTRONIC羅卓尼克,瑞士VAISALA維薩拉,瑞士DELTA,瑞士TRAFAG傳感器,德國INELTA 傳感器,放大器,隔離器,位移傳感器,德國STAUFF西德福,EATON伊頓,E+H恩德斯-豪斯 ,德國KOBOLD 科寶,德國HSW 專業代理商 現貨供應 TEL:0512-62880766 FAX:0512-67903979 MP13915513800/18913165676 黃'r  Hand terminal HT 6.0 Our smallest display is suitable for direct connection to a strain gauge sensor (force transducer, load cell or pressure transducer). The display shows the measured value with prefix, the measuring unit and the specified decimal places. It is possible to set the display to zero and to tare it or to request the peak values in positive as well as negative direction. Features Measuring units: N, kN, g, kg, t or lb 4 x battery type AA operation 12 digits, 2 lines LCD-display Protection IP40 Applications Measurement of pressure, torque, force, weighing technology |  | 
| | | | Hand terminal HT 2.0 This display is designed for the direct connection of up to two strain gauge sensors (force transducer, load cell or pressure transducer). The display can be tared and a maximum value can be recalled. The integrated rechargeable batteries are recharged from a plug-in power supply. Features Rechargeable battery operation 4-digit LCD display, illuminated 2 input channels Protection IP40 (optional IP65) Optional RS232 interface Optional analog output Applications Measurement of pressure, torque, force, weighing technology |  | 
| | | | Display module PAX The industrial digital display is suitable for direct connection to a force transducer, a load cell or a pressure transducer. It is available as a flush-mounting version for panel mounting, or as a stand-alone enclosure. Functions such as summation, output of min/max value, tare weight and similar, can be selected by push button. Features 230 V or 24 V supply 5-digit LED display Optional RS232/RS485 interface Optional limit value card Optional analog output Applications Measurement of pressure, torque, force, weighing technology |  | 