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    批發銷售 數顯電子秤 電子秤 portable electronic scale 全系列
    商品代碼: 3632551
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    批發銷售 數顯電子秤 電子秤 portable electronic scale 全系列

    產品型號:  WH-A04/A04L 
    產品尺寸:  170×75×23mm 
    LCD可視尺寸:  33×20mm 
    產品重量:  130克(含2節AAA電池) 
    單位:  Kg/Lb/JIN/OZ(公斤/磅/市斤/盎司) 
    量程/分度值:  45Kg/10g 
    材料:  原ABS外殼,高精度傳感器,性能穩定的處理器,高強度的不銹鋼掛鉤 
    顔色:  銀色/黑色/藍色/黃色(其他顏色可訂制,最少1000臺起批) 
    包裝尺寸:  17.5*12*3CM 
    外箱尺寸:  53*32*37CM 
    包裝規格:  100臺/件;毛重:17.2kg;凈重:16.1kg 
    認證/保修期:  CE認證/1年(如需滿足ROHS認證最低要求5000臺起批) 

    Portable Electronic Scale base on application-embedded microcomponenet core,with accurate weight,functional stable and digital LCD display etc.Additinally,it include lots of features,Tate/Net weight is standard;Prefessional accuracy;Zero(Tare)feature;Show weight in kg;lb;oz;  and Automatic power-off.It is excellent scale of family/shopping weight and easy to carry.

    Power on:
    Put the scale at vertical position without weigt in hook
    Press "ON/OFF"key.the screen will display(88888)
    Wait for 2-3 seconds until the (0.00kg or 0.00lb or 0.00oz)displaying on the screen.The scale will be ready for weighing.

    Put the container on hook when weighing bulk goods.
    Press "TARE"key,and the screen will display"0.00 or 0.000".The scale is ready for weighing.
    Put the goods to the container.The screen will display the weight of the goods only after finishing.

    Hook in the goods after the scale is ready. Weight data will be auto lock and `HOLD" sign appearing on the screen. Press "ON/OFF" key again to weight new objects.
    Max weight shall not exceed full load. The screen will display "O-Ld" and the buzzer will warn when it is overloading.

    Unit selection:
    Press "UNIT"key to selec the unit.The unit could be selectable among kg,lb,jin,oz,Lb:OZ(1kg=2.2lb=35.3oz)

    Power off:
    Press "ON/OFF"key to turn off under weighing(without "HOLD")mode.
    Press "ON/OFF"key to clear the "HOLD"sign,and press"ON/OFFkey again to turn off under the "HOLD"mode.
    The electronic scale will auto turn off in 60 seconds if there is no operation.

    1. Vertical position reuqired for turn on or self test.
    2. To keep the weight accuracy and protect the scale,please hold the stationary ring straight or add some additional tools on the stationary rings when weighing.Don`t hold the plastic casing when weighing.
    3. Avoid any strong shock or vibration during operation.
    4. Use clean water and wash detergent  for cleaning.Do not use the corrosive liquid(such as ad benzene,nitrate solvent,caustic soap etc.)to clean the case of the scale since it is made by ABS plastic.
    5. When the screen appears the sign (+ -),it means the batteries are exhausted and need to be replaced,Remove the batteries to avoid leakage and damage to the circuits if the scale is not used for a long time.
    6. Do not disassembly the scale yourself the product needs to be repair.Please contact our agent for assistant

    批發銷售 數顯電子秤 電子秤 portable electronic scale 全系列_電子秤_衡器_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
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