WIKA RSB 背部安裝永磁式不銹鋼浮球液位開關
Float Switches with Permanent Magnet
For Lateral Mounting
Model RSB
Float Switches with Permanent Magnet,
for lateral mounting, Model RSB
Mounting on engines, tanks, vessels or enclosures,wher, due to a lack of space, installation within them is not possible
Use for turbulent fluid levels such as in oil sumps in large engines, gearboxes, etc.
Pump/level control and monitoring for defined filling levels
Chemical industry, petrochemical industry, natural gas, offshore, shipbuilding, machine building, power generating equipment, power stations
Process water and drinking water treatment, food and beverage industry
Special Features
Freely selecable switch position through fixing the float switch at the required level
Large scope of application due to the simple, proven functional principle
For harsh operating conditions, long service life
Operating limits:
- Operating temperature: T = -30 ... +300 °C
- Working pressure: P = vacuum to 6 bar
- Limit S. G.: ρ ≥ 700 kg/m3
In a reference vessel (bypass chamber), a float with a permanent magnet moves on a guide tube in relation to the liquid level, following the principle of communicating tubes.
Within the guide tube is fitted a reed contact (inert gas contact), which is energised, through the non-magnetic walls of the float and guide tube, by the approach of the float magnet. By using a magnet and reed contact the switching operation is non-contact, free from wear and needs no power supply. The contacts are potential-free.
The switch functions always refer to a rising liquid level: normally open / normally closed / change-over contacts.
The float switch is simple to mount and maintenance-free, so the costs of mounting, commissioning and operation are low.
Further special features
Guide tube and float made of stainless steel 1.4571
Reference vessel made of aluminium AlMg5 or red bronze Rg5
Universal signal processing: connection direct to a PLC is possible, NAMUR connection, signal amplification / contact protection relays
Works independently of foaming, conductivity, dielectricity, pressure, vacuum, temperature, steam, condensation, blistering, boiling effects and vibrations
Maximum 2 change-over contacts
Exact repeatability of the switch points
Float switches with permanent magnets qualify as passive electrical equipment in accordance with DIN IEC 60 079-11 and can be installed in 'Zone 1' hazardous areas without certification, so long as the equipment is operated in a certified intrinsically safe circuit with a minimum explosion protection of EEx ib
Customer-specific solutions
Reference vessel in another design made of stainless steel 1.4571, with other process connections and with up to 6 switch points
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電話:010-51669912 56291930 15910733293
QQ:823377546 1491421115 2636968574
