The device isdesigned
according to theoriginal
LouisSchopperDoppelfalzersystem.Itcorrespondsto its designand the test systemto the original dataof theLeipzig firm.
The external shapehas been redesignedwith a modern design.The driveis
builtinto the housing
and cooledby a specialair circulation system.The results of theFalzprüfungensubject to volatility.For this reason,in order to obtainreliableaverageslongertrialsare
needed.To shorten theduration of the experiment, whichisa twinFalzerdeviceconstructedso that
twotestsmay be simultaneouslyperformed.TheFalzerpossessesa housing
whichis closed by a
support plate.On the support plate, the twoFalzköpfeand associatedspring sleeves, onthe front panel ofcounterand
controls,arranged, while in thelower part of thehousing, thedrive meansis housed.The drive is providedby an electric motorvia a transmission,which moves thefolding bladeto and fro.Theknivesare mounted
inprecisionlinear ballguides.They thus
guaranteea smoothstress of the sampleandsmooth running.
In case of breakageof the sample, the counters arestoppedautomatically.
deviceautomatically sets
theknivesafter the specimen breakback into the startingposition totake anewsample.
according to theoriginal
LouisSchopperDoppelfalzersystem.Itcorrespondsto its designand the test systemto the original dataof theLeipzig firm.
The external shapehas been redesignedwith a modern design.The driveis
builtinto the housing
and cooledby a specialair circulation system.The results of theFalzprüfungensubject to volatility.For this reason,in order to obtainreliableaverageslongertrialsare
needed.To shorten theduration of the experiment, whichisa twinFalzerdeviceconstructedso that
twotestsmay be simultaneouslyperformed.TheFalzerpossessesa housing
whichis closed by a
support plate.On the support plate, the twoFalzköpfeand associatedspring sleeves, onthe front panel ofcounterand
controls,arranged, while in thelower part of thehousing, thedrive meansis housed.The drive is providedby an electric motorvia a transmission,which moves thefolding bladeto and fro.Theknivesare mounted
inprecisionlinear ballguides.They thus
guaranteea smoothstress of the sampleandsmooth running.
In case of breakageof the sample, the counters arestoppedautomatically.
deviceautomatically sets
theknivesafter the specimen breakback into the startingposition totake anewsample.
