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    WIKA 732.51.2170 集成靜壓壓力表和閥組緊湊型不銹鋼差壓壓力表
    商品代碼: 3612256
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    WIKA 732.51.2170
    Compact Differential Pressure Gauges PN 40
    with combined working pressure gauge and
    integrated pressure equalizing valve, Model 732.51.2170

    Typ 732.51.2170 mit Option Ferngeber für Differenzdruck und
    Messumformer für Betriebsdruck
        For measuring the differential between two pressures, preferentially for filling level measurement in cryotechnology
         For monitoring and controlling the static working pressure (basis pressure)
    Special Features
       Special Features
         Differential and working pressure registered centrally in one unit
         Reduced number of sealing and measuring points
         No separate installation of working pressure gauge and pressure equalizing valve, reduced installation effort and costs for plant operators
         Guaranteed leakage proof through helium testing⇒ leak rate q ≤ 10-8 mbar l/ s
         Service-friendly snap bezel case
    Differential pressure gauge
        Basic model: Model 732.51 see data sheet PM 07.05
        Pressure rating/maximum static pressure: 40 bar
        Overpressure safety either side to static pressure: 40 bar

       Working pressure gauge
        Model 232.50 see data sheet PM 02.02
        Model 232.30 see data sheet PM 02.04
        with male nut G ½ B mounted on i-pressure medium chamber

       Pressure equalizing valve
        High grade stainless steel / PTFE, integrated in measuring system

       Nominal size
        Differential pressure gauge: 160 mm
        Working pressure gauge: 100 mm

       Accuracy class
        Differential pressure gauge: 2.5
        Working pressure gauge: 1.0
       Scale ranges (differential pressure gauge)
        0 ... 120 mbar to 0 ... 2500 mbar

       Wetted parts
        Material stainless steel, no elastomer sealing

       Zero adjustment (differential pressure gauge)
        By means of adjustable pointer

        stainless steel

       Additional pressure connections
        G ¼ female (see in overleaf drawing , and )

       Ingress protection
        IP 65 per EN 60 529 / IEC 529
        Optional extras

         Adjustable measuring span from out-side (differential pressure gauge)
         Liquid filling of pressure gauges
         Accuracy class 1.6 for differential pressure gauge
         Isolating valve block, material chrome plated brass or stainless steel 1.4301
         Three changeable scales in the differential pressure gauge (for different gases)
         Alarm contacts for differential and/or working pressure gauge also as retro-set for installation on site (electrical data acc. to data sheet AC 08.01)
         Transmitter for differential pressure gauge (data sheet AE 08.02)
         Transmitter for working pressure (data sheet PE 81.14,
         Model ECO-1, data sheet PE 81.12, Model C-10, data sheet PE 81.22, Model IS-10)
       Dimensions in mm

       Additional pressure connections
         G ¼ female on minus media chamber e.g. to connect a pressure switch or safety valve
         G ¼ female on minus media chamber e.g. to connect a pressure transmitter Model ECO-1, C-10 resp. IS 10
         G ¼ female on plus media chamber for recalibration
       Ordering information
        Model, nominal size and scale range of differential pressure and working pressure gauge / optional extras required

    歡迎致電咨詢訂購WIKA 732.51.2170 集成靜壓壓力表和閥組緊湊型不銹鋼差壓壓力表

    電話:010-51669912 56291930 15910733293


    QQ:823377546 1491421115 2636968574

    郵箱:[email protected]

    公司官網:http://www.zoriver.cn   http://www.zoriver.com.cn


    WIKA 732.51.2170 集成靜壓壓力表和閥組緊湊型不銹鋼差壓壓力表_差壓表_壓力儀表_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
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