- 產品簡介:
編號:GD201311030025 可根據測試需求配備不同的測試夾具,精度等級可選:1級,0.5級
The device name: electronic universal testing machine
Equipment type: WDS-100
Equipment structure: door double column
滿足標準:GB/T228-2002 GB/T7314-2005 GB/T14452-1993 GB/T8653-1988 GB1040,GB1041 GB9341, GB8804, GB16491、ISO、ASTM、JIS、DIN等要求
Meet the standards: GB/T228-2002 GB/T7314-2005 GB/T14452-1993GB/T8653-1988 GB1040, GB1041 GB9341, GB8804, GB16491, ISO,ASTM, JIS, DIN etc.
Scope of application: used for the tensile, compression, bending, shear,peeling, tearing test;
A, product properties
Microcomputer control electronic universal testing machine usesadvanced design concepts, beautiful appearance, convenient operation,stable and reliable performance. Computer through the digital control system developed by our company (PCI card, direct control, AC servodrive system and AC servo motor, AC servo motor speed by thedecelerating system slowdown is transferred to the precision ball screw to realize beam rise, fall, test operation, complete the tensile, compression mechanical properties test.
Testing machine of professional software to realize the automatic calculating elastic modulus, yield strength, tensile strength, tensile strength, elongation, sample system stiffness, damping forcedeformation, deformation and force data and indicators, which can meet the closed loop constant displacement, constant stress, constant deformation control method, test process can be standard programmingcontrol. Requirements, the computer control system of test process control and data processing with the corresponding metal material and non-metal materials of national standards such as WORD, EXECEL test report diversification etc..
The device name: electronic universal testing machine
The device name: electronic universal testing machine
The device name: electronic universal testing machine
Equipment type: WDS-100
Equipment type: WDS-100
Equipment type: WDS-100
Equipment structure: door double column
Equipment structure: door double column
Equipment structure: door double column
滿足標準:GB/T228-2002 GB/T7314-2005 GB/T14452-1993 GB/T8653-1988 GB1040,GB1041 GB9341, GB8804, GB16491、ISO、ASTM、JIS、DIN等要求
Meet the standards: GB/T228-2002 GB/T7314-2005 GB/T14452-1993GB/T8653-1988 GB1040, GB1041 GB9341, GB8804, GB16491, ISO,ASTM, JIS, DIN etc.
Meet the standards: GB/T228-2002 GB/T7314-2005 GB/T14452-1993 GB/T8653-1988 GB1040, GB1041 GB9341, GB8804, GB16491, ISO, ASTM, JIS, DIN etc.
Meet the standards: GB/T228-2002 GB/T7314-2005 GB/T14452-1993GB/T8653-1988 GB1040, GB1041 GB9341, GB8804, GB16491, ISO,ASTM, JIS, DIN etc.
Scope of application: used for the tensile, compression, bending, shear,peeling, tearing test;
Scope of application: used for the tensile, compression, bending, shear, peeling, tearing test;
Scope of application: used for the tensile, compression, bending, shear,peeling, tearing test;
A, product properties
A, product properties
A, product properties
Microcomputer control electronic universal testing machine usesadvanced design concepts, beautiful appearance, convenient operation,stable and reliable performance. Computer through the digital control system developed by our company (PCI card, direct control, AC servodrive system and AC servo motor, AC servo motor speed by thedecelerating system slowdown is transferred to the precision ball screw to realize beam rise, fall, test operation, complete the tensile, compression mechanical properties test.
Microcomputer control electronic universal testing machine uses advanced design concepts, beautiful appearance, convenient operation, stable and reliable performance. Computer through the digital control system developed by our company (PCI card, direct control, AC servo drive system and AC servo motor, AC servo motor speed by the decelerating system slowdown is transferred to the precision ball screw to realize beam rise, fall, test operation, complete the tensile, compression mechanical properties test.
Microcomputer control electronic universal testing machine usesadvanced design concepts, beautiful appearance, convenient operation,stable and reliable performance. Computer through the digital controlsystem developed by our company (PCI card, direct control, AC servodrive system and AC servo motor, AC servo motor speed by thedecelerating system slowdown is transferred to the precision ball screw torealize beam rise, fall, test operation, complete the tensile, compressionmechanical properties test
Testing machine of professional software to realize the automatic calculating elastic modulus, yield strength, tensile strength, tensile strength, elongation, sample system stiffness, damping forcedeformation, deformation and force data and indicators, which can meet the closed loop constant displacement, constant stress, constant deformation control method, test process can be standard programmingcontrol. Requirements, the computer control system of test process control and data processing with the corresponding metal material and non-metal materials of national standards such as WORD, EXECEL test report diversification etc..
Testing machine of professional software to realize the automatic calculating elastic modulus, yield strength, tensile strength, tensile strength, elongation, sample system stiffness, damping force deformation, deformation and force data and indicators, which can meet the closed loop constant displacement, constant stress, constant deformation control method, test process can be standard programming control. Requirements, the computer control system of test process control and data processing with the corresponding metal material and non-metal materials of national standards such as WORD, EXECEL test report diversification etc..
Testing machine of professional software to realize the automaticcalculating elastic modulus, yield strength, tensile strength, tensilestrength, elongation, sample system stiffness, damping forcedeformation, deformation and force data and indicators, which can meetthe closed loop constant displacement, constant stress, constantdeformation control method, test process can be standard programmingcontrol. Requirements the computer, control system of test processcontrol and data processing with the corresponding metal material andnon-metal materials of national standards such as WORD, EXECEL testreport diversification etc.
四、 試驗機主機配置
Host four, testing machine configuration
· 300kN高強度主機一臺
300kN high strength a host
· Japan Panasonic AC servo control system of AC servo motor and JapanPanasonic co a
High precision ball screw unit two sets
High precision arc synchronous reduction system
· USA Shiquan 300kN high precision spoke type load sensor a
YYU15/50 Beijing Institute of iron and steel of high precision electronic extensometer a
· special wedge tension devices (a fixture model: HST301)
· jaw specifications:
· flat jaw: 0-7mm, 7-14mm
·V型(圓)鉗口:Φ4-Φ9mm, Φ9-Φ14mm, Φ14-Φ21mm
V type (circular) jaw: Phi 4- Phi 9mm, Phi 9- Phi 14mm, Phi 14- Phi 21mm
Test machine for bending device (a fixture model: HST302)
· bending device maximum span: 420mm; a lower supporting roller bendradius: R15mm; upper pressure roller radius R15mm
· testing machine for a special compression (fixture model: HST303)
· 壓盤直徑Φ160mm
· the pressure plate with 160mm diameter
· Dell brand computer
HPA4 laser printer of a black and white
Test machine for full closed loop control system
MaxTest tester software the WINDOWS operating environment of a
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