雷達物位計采用發射—反射—接收的工作模式。雷達物位計的天線發射出高頻電磁波,這些波經被測對象表麵反射後,再被天線接收,電磁波從發射到接收的時間與到液麵的距離成正比。 雷達物位計記錄脈沖波經歷的時間,而電磁波的傳輸速度為常數,則可算出介質表麵到雷達天線的距離,從而知道罐內介質的物位或距離。 雷達物位計有兩種方式即調頻連續波式和脈沖波式。采用調頻連續波技術的液位計,功耗大,須采用四線制,電子電路復雜。而采用雷達脈沖波技術的液位計,功耗低,可用二線制的24V DC供電,容易實現本質安全,精確度高,適用范圍更廣。 雷達物液位計適用於各種過程條件復雜的容器、儲罐、倉料等,且不受被測介質物理特性變化影響的外部測量,兩線制技術,適用於防爆場合,非接觸式與連續測量的脈沖型物位計最大測量距離70m。
Radar Level Transmitter
Product Description
Radar Level Transmitter using the operating mode of emission-reflection-receiving. Its antenna transmits high frequency electromagnetic waves, these waves is reflected by the surface of the medium and received by the antenna again. The time from transmitting to receiving is proportional to the distance of the level surface. Radar level transmitter records the time of the pulse wave passing through, while the transmitting speed of the
electromagnetic wave is a constant, you can calculate the distance from the medium surface to the radar antenna, and get the level or height of the medium. There are two types of radar level transmitter, one is frequency modulation continuous wave(FMCW) type, and the other one is pulse wave type. For the FMCW type, power consumption is high, so it needs 4-wire system, the electronic circuit is complicated. While for the pulse
wave type, the power consumption is low, it is available to use 2-wire system and power of 24VDC. With intrinsic safety, high precision, it is used more widely. Generally, radar level transmitter is suitable for variety of containers, tanks, hoppers etc. at complex process conditions. It is not effected by the measured medium's physical properties change. Two-wire technology, suitable for explosion-proof field site. The max. measuring range is up to 70M for Non-contact and continuous measurement of pulse wave type.
產品名稱: 智能雷達物/液位計
測量范圍: 20M,35M(可定制)
過程連接: 法蘭/螺紋(可定制)
過程溫度: -40~110℃
過程壓力: -1.0-40bar
精度等級: ±3mm
頻率范圍: 8.4GHz
信號輸出: 4…20mA(兩線)/HART/Profibus PA
高頻智能雷達液位計FNRRF-13 |
雷達物位及RRF-13適用於各種過程條件復雜的容器、儲罐、倉料等,且不受被測介質物理特性變化影響的外部測量,兩線制技術,適用於防爆場合, 非接觸式與連續接測量的脈沖型物位計最大測量距離70m。 產品圖片 特性與優勢 ◆ 無盲區,高精度 ◆ 兩線制技術,是差壓機表、磁制伸縮、射頻導納、磁翻板機表的優良替代品。 ◆ 不受真空、壓力變化、溫度變化、惰性氣體、煙塵、蒸汽等環境影響 ◆ 安裝簡便,牢固耐用,免維護 ◆ HART 或PPOFIBUS-PA 通信協議及基金會現場總線協議,標定簡便、通過數字液晶顯示,輕松實現現場標定操作,通過軟件RRFPF 實現簡單的組態設定和編程 ◆ 測量靈敏,刷新速度快。 ◆ 適用於高溫工況,高達200℃過程溫度,當采用高溫延長天線時可達350℃ |
