大量藍牙檢測機可定制貴公司的LOGO,歡迎廣大客戶前來咨詢。聯系 劉小姐 185 7669 0967,QQ:1739385133
本 產品支持1996年以後生產的所有采用OBD-Ⅱ協議的車型(包括 VPW, PWM, ISO, KWP 2000, CAN 協議)。是最新的基於個人電腦(PC)的掃描工具。可以把產品連接到筆記本電腦、臺式電腦或手機上,用來讀取故障碼並知道故障碼的含義、清除汽車的故障 碼、燃油消耗量監測、顯示傳感器的數據流(如轉速、水溫等等)……功能非常強大!
ISO15765-4 (CAN)
ISO14230-4 (KWP2000)
J1850 VPW
J1850 PWM
LED指示燈:OBD 發射/接收, RS232 發射/接收,電源
操作電壓: 12V,(帶短路/過電壓保護功能)
ELM327 USB所使用的OBD-II軟件為免費軟件,將電腦與汽車中車載電腦硬件相連後,使用該軟件,您可以從車載電腦中獲取您所需的信息。
ELM327 USB所使用的OBD-II軟件為免費軟件,將電腦與汽車中車載電腦硬件相連後,使用該軟件,您可以從車載電腦中獲取您所需的信息。
Software features:
The software can do the following:
- General and manufacturers with special read error diagnosis code, and display their meaning (database has over 3000 generic code definitions)
Clear the error code and shut off the MIL ("Check Engine" light)
Display current sensor data, including:
Engine revolutions per minute (RPM)
Calculated load values
Coolant temperature
Fuel system status
Short-term fuel situation
Long-term fuel situation
Intake manifold pressure
Injection advance time
Intake air temperature
The speed of the air stream
Throttle absolute position
The oxygen detection voltage associated with the short-term fuel state
Fuel system status
Fuel pressure
Fuel consumption monitoring there are a lot of other data ...
The future of the software features:
Data chart display and logging
Freeze frame data
Continuous and discontinuous oxygen detection results
The software can do the following:
- General and manufacturers with special read error diagnosis code, and display their meaning (database has over 3000 generic code definitions)
Clear the error code and shut off the MIL ("Check Engine" light)
Display current sensor data, including:
Engine revolutions per minute (RPM)
Calculated load values
Coolant temperature
Fuel system status
Short-term fuel situation
Long-term fuel situation
Intake manifold pressure
Injection advance time
Intake air temperature
The speed of the air stream
Throttle absolute position
The oxygen detection voltage associated with the short-term fuel state
Fuel system status
Fuel pressure
Fuel consumption monitoring there are a lot of other data ...
The future of the software features:
Data chart display and logging
Freeze frame data
Continuous and discontinuous oxygen detection results
