退換貨規定: 1.消費者在收到貨後請當麵驗收所購商品,如發現問題請在1-3天內聯系我們,否則 視為對產品滿意不予以退貨。 2.消費者在退換過程中,產品未經使用,且部件齊全,必須持發票等全部有效購物憑 證,方可退換。 3.由於商品本身性能故障造成的退換貨,運費由本店承擔;由於顧客自身原因造成的 退換貨,由顧客自己負責運送和承擔全部運費。 4.請顧客在退換貨時為所購商品的安全負責,如在退換過程中發生運輸損壞或者破損 等問題,恕無法繼續為您履行退換貨服務。 關於無理由退換貨、換貨註意事項: 1.所換商品必須外觀無人為損壞,附件齊全、包裝完好無損; 2.顧客人為造成的質量問題不予退貨; 3.無質量問題的換貨,原則上產品不能影響第二次銷售,否則不予以換貨; 4.為瞭實惠廣大買傢,本店所銷售的所有產品我們都是以最低價出售的,因此本店銷 售出去的產品在不影響外觀並質量完好的情況下不支持隨意調換,請買傢在收到貨的 第一時間檢查好產品,如有問題請及時聯系我們。 5.如顧客確實需調換貨或者退貨,整個過程中的實際運費由買傢承擔,請買傢在購買 前認知。 |
一.因為貨運達到地不一樣,也會導致不同運費,固以上所標郵費僅作參考,我們保 證絕對不會在郵費上占客戶一分一毛的便宜.多退少補. 二. 有些東西重,體積大,不推薦使用快遞方式,發貨方式為物流貨運(需客戶帶上貨 主身份證自提貨)。如需發快遞則按實際快遞費用收取,貨品包裝比較大,請大傢盡 量選擇物流貨運,因物流貨運價格相對比較便宜,請聯系客服協商運費,運費不足 概不發貨。謝謝合作!!! 本店合作物流:天地華宇、佳急物流等專線物流 合作快遞:天天快遞、園通快遞(要求別的快遞請與客服聯系) |
Hangzhou Milestone Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in Yuhang Economic Development Zone of beautiful Hangzhou City, which is
adjacent to Shanghai and Ningbo with convenient transportation. Milestone company isdevoted to providing higher quality and
more reliable products for customers, and win the market with the quality and the service.
Milestone company's core business is divided into two parts, the auto parts of high quality, mainly including: automobile gear,
auto water pump, clutch, automobile synchronizer ring, bearings and so on; and highquality hardware tools, mainly including: the
wire clamping device, winch, steel plate lifting clamp, beam clamp, plain trolley, gear trolley, wire rope pulling hoist, mechanical
jack, hydraulic jack, webbing sling, G-80 lifting products etc…
Regarding "to provide better products and service for the customer" as its core mission, Milestone company pays more attention
to building the enterprise culture of Milestone's characteristics, deepens the work constantly, and has the courage to shoulder
social responsibility.
聯系我們Contact Us
郵箱E-mail:[email protected]
辦公時間:Mon - Fri : 9:00am -5:00pm
