環氧乙烷滅菌裝置ETO Sterilizers是一次性使用無菌醫療器械生產企業的關鍵設備,安裝操作、使用管理有其特殊要求,使用環氧乙烷做滅菌劑, 環氧乙烷是一種廣譜滅菌劑,可在常溫下殺滅各種微生物,包括芽孢、結核桿菌、細菌、病毒、真菌等。目前醫療器械廣泛采用環氧乙烷來滅菌的。.環氧乙烷是易燃易爆的有毒氣體,分子式為C2H4O,具有芳香的醚味,在4°C時候相對密度為0.884,沸點為10.8°C,其密度為1.52g/cm3,在室溫條件下,很容易揮發成氣體,當濃度過高時可引起爆炸。
優點是:l 能殺滅所有微生物,包括細菌牙胞。
2 滅菌物品可以被包裹、整體封裝,可保持使用前呈無菌狀態。
3 相對而言,EO不腐蝕塑料、金屬和橡膠,不會使物品發生變黃變脆。
4 能穿透形態不規則物品並滅菌。
5 可用於那些不能用消毒劑浸泡,乾熱、壓力、蒸汽及其他化學氣體滅菌之物品的滅菌。
ETC has been designing, building, and installing EO Sterilizers for over 30 years. ETC has built some of the world’s most sophisticated EO systems, as well as some of the largest EtO sterilizers in the world. ETC is a “turnkey” provider, offering complete sterilizer systems that have been fully factory tested and are delivered with the most comprehensive sterilizer documentation package available.
ETC’s systems can meet and exceed all industry standards for EO sterilizers including: ISO11135, EN 1422, EN 550, ATEX/CE, NFPA, US NEC, and ASME.
ETC’s 100% Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers (EO) offer the state-of-the-art in SCADA process control, meeting the FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11 compliance for Electronic Recordkeeping and Digital Signatures for sterilizers. Our unique Hot Air Jacket Heating System is an innovation in sterilizer design helping our clients reduce their utility and maintenance costs by 30 to 40% over antiquated water-jacket designs.
ETC offers a variety of EO Sterilizer configurations including:
· Parametric Release Packages
· Remote Monitoring Systems
· Chamber Refurbishment and Controls Upgrades
· IQ/OQ Assistance
聯系人:夏先生 13912618571
郵箱:[email protected]
