• 線性量程 0.05-10 mm
• 絕對誤差 ≤±0.05 %
• 分辨率 0.000075%
• 極限頻率 8.5kHz (-3dB)
• 次納米級別的超高穩定性和分辨率
• 模塊化-多達8通道
• 外置或內置前端放大器
• 以太網端口
• 無磨損,免維護
• 適用於導電材料
米銥micro-epsilon 電容式位移傳感器 capaNCDT 6019
米銥micro-epsilon 電容式位移傳感器 capaNCDT 6100
米銥micro-epsilon 電容式位移傳感器 capaNCDT 6200
米銥micro-epsilon 電容式位移傳感器 capaNCDT 6300/6310
米銥micro-epsilon 電容式位移傳感器 capaNCDT 6350
米銥micro-epsilon 電容式位移傳感器 capaNCDT 6500
•線性量程 0.05-10 mm
•絕對誤差 ≤±0.2%
•靜態分辨率 0.004% FSO(DT6220+DL6220)、0.0005% FSO(DT6220+DL6230)
•動態分辨率 0.02% FSO(DT6220+DL6220)、0.005% FSO(DT6220+DL6230)
•極限頻率 5kHz (-3dB)
• 線性量程 0.2-10 mm
• 絕對誤差 ≤±1%
• 分辨率 0.015 %
• 極限頻率 500Hz (-3dB)
• 無磨損,免維護
• 專為OEM客戶設計
• 小型化設計
• 低能耗
• 適合導電材料
capaNCDT 6019
Miniature single-channel system
- For confined installation conditions
- Low power consumption
- Ideal for battery power supply
Ranges 0.2 - 10 mm
Consumption 8 mA (±12V ...
Resolution 0.1 %
Measuring rate 500 Hz
capaNCDT 6100
Compact single-channel system
- High temperature stability
- Reproducibility in nanometer ranges
- Can be synchronised with ungrounded
measuring object
Measuring ranges 0.2 - 10mm
Linearity 0.3% / 0.1%
Resolution 0.015%
Measuring rate 2kHz
capaNCDT 6300 / 6310
Compact high precision single-channel
- High zero point stability and accuracy
- Extreme temperature stability
- Measurement against insulators
- Robust design
Measuring ranges 0.05 - 10mm
Linearity 0.2% / 0.1%
Resolution 0.001%
Measuring rate 8kHz (-3dB)
Capacitive displacement and position sensors capaNCDT 6350
Compact high speed single-channel
- Ideal for detection of
high dynamic movements
- High zero point stability and accuracy
- Highest configurability
(measuring range and cable length)
Measuring ranges 0.2 - 10mm
Linearity 0.3%
Resolution 0.005%
Measuring rate 50kHz (-3dB)
Capacitive displacemen
capaNCDT 6350
Compact high speed single-channel
- Ideal for detection of
high dynamic movements
- High zero point stability and accuracy
- Highest configurability
(measuring range and cable length)
Measuring ranges 0.2 - 10mm
Linearity 0.3%
Resolution 0.005%
Measuring rate 50kHz (-3dB)
Capacitive displacement and position sensors capaNCDT 6500
Extreme resolution multi-channel system
- Multi-channel system with
sub-nanometre resolution
- Extreme temperature stability
- Ethernet interface and PC software
- Integrated configurable signal processing
Measuring ranges 0.05 - 10mm
Linearity 0.05%
Resolution 0.000075%
Measuring rate 8.5kHz (-3dB)
Capacitive displacement
