【尺寸】10孔排插:29*5cm;30孔排插:39*11cm; 50孔排插:40*60cm
【重量】總毛重: 1kg
中山市美新照明電器廠Zhongshan Maxin Lighting Appliance Factory座落於中國燈飾之都—中山古鎮。是集研發、生產和銷售貿易為一體的專業照明電器產品制造商。主營產品包括:吊燈、臺燈、吸頂燈、戶外燈及LED室內外燈具系列等。
美新將與客戶以“雙贏”的合作理念,以“質量為基、服務為先,誠信為本、客戶至上”為經營宗旨,為客戶提供高品質的產品,最優良的服務。讓我們攜手合作發展,共謀商機,共創輝煌!真誠歡迎國內外顧客朋友前來或者電話網上咨詢美新照明Maxin Lighting定購!
Zhongshan Maxin Lighting Appliance Factory is located in Zhongshan city, the biggest lighting city in China. With 5 years experience, Maxin has grown to be a professional manufacturer in lighting field with advanced manufacturing facilities and test & research instruments.
Our main products are LED lighting, Chandelier lamp, Table lamp, Ceiling lamp and Outdoor lamp. They are well-exported to all over the world.
"Quality first, Customer satisfaction and Honest management" is the concept of our factory. We strictly carries out the ISO9001:2000 international quality control standards system, assuring high quality products in compliance.
In the marketing field, we keep the principle of connecting the market and offering the consumers best products and service. Currently, Maxin is one of the national large and respected names in the lighting industry with large domestic market share, and exported to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, South America, Africa and Europe, etc.
Maxin Lighting commit to provide our customers with satisfying and well-being products and services at the most competitive prices. Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be glad to meet your requirements.
網址Website: www.maxinlighting.cn
MSN: [email protected]
