1. 一品牌鑽石微粉乃經過精密設備嚴格篩選,粒度精確,顆粒結晶形狀劃一,它適用於各種鋼模,超硬合金.陶瓷.寶石.半寶石等之精密光或鏡麵?光。
2. 對於某些需求更精密或更均勻表麵光之要求,請在訂購時,特別指明,本公司將提供更精密顆粒尺寸之微粉使用。
![](http://webbuilder3.asiannet.com/ftp/1934/01pro-03-013.gif) | Remark :1. | Beedia micron powders are precision graded form virgin material and especially designed for lapping and polishing operations. Particularly, those requiring the strictest dimensions accuracy and the finest surface finish. | 2. | For works that require ultra high finish, we also supply powders with closer tolerance of the micron range upon your request. |
? | 編號 | 顆粒尺寸 (μm) | 相等篩目 (approx.) | 10 Carat | 50 Carat | DR-1280 | DR-5280 | 0.5 (0-1) | #28,000 | DR-1140 | DR-5140 | 1 (0-2) | #14,000 | DR-1080 | DR-5080 | 3 (2-4) | #8,000 | DR-1050 | DR-5050 | 4.5 (3-6) | #5,000 | DR-1030 | DR-5030 | 6 (4-8) | #3,000 | DR-1018 | DR-5018 | 9 (6-12) | #1,800 | DR-1012 | DR-5012 | 15 (10-20) | #1,200 | DR-1008 | DR-5008 | 25 (20-30) | #800 | DR-1006 | DR-5006 | 35 (30-40) | #600 | DR-1004 | DR-5004 | 50 (40-60) | #400 | DR-1002 | DR-5002 | 90 (80-100) | #200 |