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1. 網狀鑽石砂佈系將鑽石磨粉分別利用鎳(電鑄法)或樹脂結合劑附著於帆佈上,由於其表麵有足夠之間隙以利逃屑,所以在研磨時不易塞目,研削性佳,且研磨後表麵十分均勻。
2. 網狀鑽石砂佈的運用很廣泛,例如:大理石.花崗石....等石材加工,陶瓷.碳化鎢...等研磨,玻璃之倒角及磨邊,亦可用於各種模具之加工。
3. 有網狀鑽石砂佈均以各種不同顏色以區別其粒,方便辨識,此外它可用剪刀剪成各種片狀寸或做成環帶狀砂佈帶。

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1. | Diamond foils can cut to any shape & size easily, and stick on to your own tools, then become a "self-made" tool. | 2. | Aggressive cutting action and wide range of grit sizes produce fast cutting or polishing on steels and carbides. |
| ? | 鑽石砂佈 | 尺寸 | 粒度與編號 | #120 | #150 | #200 | #300 | #400 | #600 | #800 | #1200 | #1800 | 10100mm | XF-1012 | XF-1015 | XF-1020 | XF-1030 | XF-1040 | XF-1060 | XF-1080 | XF-1120 | XF-1180 | 50 x 100mm | XF-2012 | XF-2015 | XF-2020 | XF-2030 | XF-2040 | XF-2060 | XF-2080 | XF-2120 | XF-2180 | 100 x 100mm | XF-3012 | XF-3015 | XF-3020 | XF-3030 | XF-3040 | XF-3060 | XF-3080 | XF-3120 | XF-3180 |
| 網狀鑽石佈 | 粒度 | 標式顏色 | 結合劑 | 尺寸與編號 | 50100mm | 100100mm | 1170295mm | 690295mm | #60 | 綠色/Green | 鎳/Ni bond | XZ-1006N | XZ-2006N | XZ-5006N | - | #120 | 黑色/Black | 鎳/Ni bond | XZ-1012N | XZ-2012N | XZ-5012N | - | #200 | 紅色/Red | 鎳/Ni bond | XZ-1020N | XZ-2020N | XZ-5020N | - | #400 | 黃色/Yellow | 鎳/Ni bond | XZ-1040N | XZ-2040N | XZ-5040N | - | #600 | 白色/White | 鎳/Ni bond | XZ-1060N | XZ-2060N | XZ-5060N | - | #1000 | 藍色/Blue | 鎳/Ni bond | XZ-1100N | XZ-2100N | XZ-5100N | - | #500 | 白色/white | 樹脂/Resin bond | XZ-1050R | XZ-2050R | - | XZ-6050R | #1000 | 藍色/Blue | 樹脂/Resin bond | XZ-1100R | XZ-2100R | - | XZ-6100R | #8000 | 橙色/Orange | 樹脂/Resin bond | XZ-1800R | XZ-2800R | - | XZ-6800R |
| Remark :1. | The application of diamond power on a flexible cloth has allowed the development of a new generation of diamond tools. | 2. | This tools perform a more aggressive cutting action than any other abrasive tool, thanks to its flexibility and to the spacing between islands, the diamond cloth can e easily cut with scissors, thus allowing for a whole range of tailored tools and for applications till now covered by traditional abrasives only. | 3. | The applications of diamond cloth are : Wet grinding (lapping) hard steel of any hardness, tungsten carbide, hard ceramic coated steels, glass, marble, granite & stone ...etc. | 4. | All diamond cloth products are colour coded for easy identification of mesh and these series products can be in sheet, discs self-adhesive or velcro backing, or in belt type. |
如:日本理研,富士星,3M, 日本雙鷹,紅鷹,泰國TOA,韓國鹿牌,勇士,RMC,小太陽,犀利牌,JB-5等;3M液體蠟水,德國名仕蠟,亮麗雅,等各種高檔拋光蠟;