MingDe-1525 Portable CNC Flame/Plasma Cutting Machine
4GB 隨身碟1隻,3m防凍電源線1條,火焰割咀2隻,內六角(4.6.8型號)各1隻,開口扳手(12-14、16-18)各1隻
Cutting Sample
MingDe Portable CNC Flame/Plasma Cutting Machine
型號 Model JHX-1020 JHX-1225 JHX-1530
Power source 220±10%VAC 50/60Hz 220W
Cutting mode 氧氣/丙烷或乙炔;可配置等離子切割機
O2/C3H8 or C2H2, Plasma available
Effective cutting range(mm) 1000×2000 1200×2500 1500×3000
導軌 長×寬×厚mm
Track L×W×H(mm) 2500×273×60 3000×273×60 3000×273×60
配置的軌枕數量 2 3 3
軌枕 長×寬×厚mm
Track Holder L×W×H(mm) 500×80×40
Cutting speed(mm/min) 0-3500(最大4000)
0-3500 (Max 4000 available)
Cutting thickness(Flame)(mm) 5-150(氧氣+丙烷 或 乙炔)
5-150 (O2/C3H8 or C2H2)
Cutting thickness(Plasma)(mm) 視客戶等離子電源而定
In terms of plasma power source
Move precision ±0.2mm/m
Torch 火焰,電動調高(±60mm)
Flame,electric height adjustment(±60mm)
Host weight(kg) 19
Total weight(kg) 120 130 140
Gas pressure(Mpa) 最大0.1
Oxygen pressure(Mpa) 最大0.7
Type of gas 丙烷、乙炔
Propane, Ethine
急停按鈕Emergency stop 有/Yes
Working temperature -5~45℃
Relative humidity <95%無冷凝
<95% No condensing
備註: * 本產品在用戶無特殊要求時,出廠標配統一為2號丙烷割嘴一個
Standard configuration is 2# propane cutting nozzle if no special requirement.
* 縱向導軌長度可按客戶要求訂制加長 Tailor-made track if request.
Good Working stability, high frequency interfere effectively plasma, lightweight
Support two cutting ways of flame and plasma;
Economic benefits, the structure and design is contracted. it adopts humanistic
positive man-machine conversation and operate easily;
Cutting has high quality, high effect level, high precision;
Programmable cutting arbitrary shape parts of line and arc;
Dynamic and static graphic display, easy to learn. Can convert CAD file to program
file in computer, through USB flash drive transmits to machine to realize cutting all
kinds’ graphs. And also can program and operate directly on the machine.
English and Chinese interface can free to convert;
Pre-sale will train and after-sale will track service.
* 5.7寸高分辨率液晶顯示屏,人性化操作界麵,全中文/英文菜單,優化操作步驟,屏幕下方標註有操作提示,靈活高效,簡單易學。 5.7”high-resolution LCD, human-oriented interface, Chinese and English menu, Optimize operation procedure, tips under the screen, efficiency, flexibility, easy-going and easy learning.
* 7寸 800*600高分辨率1600萬色彩色高亮度液晶屏。 7" high-resolution LCD with 800*600pix,1600 color and high-bright.
* 支持EIA代碼(即G代碼)及FastCAM等各類套料軟件;中英文菜單,適合國內外各類操作人員。 Support the EIA code (G code) and all types of nesting software such as FastCAM,etc. English and Chinese menu system.
* 自帶45種常用圖形庫(包括網格圖形),可手工設置片尺寸和孔尺寸,直接切割,無需編程。 Internal 45 types of basic figures(including the grid graphics), enable to setting piece size and pore size, directly do cutting process, no need programme.
* 采用32位高性能CPU,運用實時多任務控制技術和DSP高速、高精度插補控制技術,工作時高穩定性,高速運行,低噪音。 32 bits high speed and characteristics, Multi-task Controlling System and DSP high-speed, high-precision interpolation control technology, to increase stability and high speed with low noise.
* 通用隨身碟傳輸G代碼文件(切割軌跡文件),並可傳輸系統升級文件,使系統功能隨時更新,方便快捷。 U-disk transfer G-code files(cutting track file), also able to transfer system upgrade files to guarantee the latest function to be installed anytime, convenient and efficient.
* 256M超大容量存儲空間,能存儲超過5000個復雜異型切割文件;滿足各種復雜程序的運行與加工,輕松處理大程序的運行。 256M large memory storage, could save more than 5,000 files; easily operating huge and multiple procedure.
* 圖型任意角度旋轉、比例縮放、X或Y鏡像、矩陣排列、空走、可手工選行及選號等日常操作中的實用功能。 Graphic scale, rotate, mirror image, matrix permutation, idling, selec line or line number, etc, Which will frequently be used.
* 根據鋼板厚度,在轉角處可自動限速,有效防止過燒。支持邊緣切割、偏移切割,對較厚的鋼板可減少預熱時間,並可避免因排料計算錯誤而造成的板材浪費。 Automatically control the cutting speed to avoid over-burning according to plate thickness. Possible to edge cutting, offset cutting, to avoid wasting of meal sheet caused by calculation errors.
* 圖形放大/縮小,放大狀態下可實時跟蹤切割點。自定義全部輸入輸出端口的類型(常開或常閉)和編號。 Graphics zoom-in or out, and tracking the cutting point dynamically while zoom-in status. Customize the type of all input and output ports (normally open or close) and the number
* 自診斷系統所有IO狀態和按鍵狀態,方便檢查和排除故障。單獨或批量導入導出程序,參數備份及恢復,日期,星期,時鐘顯示。 Self-diagnostic system for all IO and keyboard status, convenient for inspection and trouble-shooting. Export files, parameter backup, online upgrade; date, week and time display.
* 支持氧燃氣、等離子及演示模式;各類加工參數齊全,可滿足不同工藝需求。 Oxygen gas, plasma and presentation modes; various inside machining parameters for match various demand.
* 氧燃氣和等離子IO分開控制;氧燃氣自動調高,兩級預熱,三級穿孔;等離子弧壓反饋,定位反饋,轉角自動關閉弧壓調高。 Separately control oxygen gas from plasma IO; adjust the height of oxygen gas automatically, two grades of preheat, three grates of perforation; plasma arc voltage feedback, position feedback, automatically shut down arc voltage in the corner.
* 斷電、斷點數據存儲及恢復功能、退回功能、急停按鈕,自動恢復到未斷電前的狀態,有效避免誤操作。 Auto-memory and recovery in case of power-off or point break, return function, emergency stop button, recover to the pre-status automatically, avoid mis-operation.
* 高細分步進電機采用高細分驅動器,噪音低、精度高、運行平穩。 High-subdivision stepper motor driver, low noise, high running precision, and movement smoothly.
* 自動割縫補償,割槍移位,割槍穿孔停留,預熱時間智能記憶,鍵盤診斷,溫控風扇。標配電動高度調節裝置及萬能割槍夾緊器。 Cutting slot compensation auto-setting function,cutting gun movement, cutting gun perforation remain, preheated time auto-memory, keyboard diagnostication, temperature-controlled fan. Auto-adjust height of cutting gun and multiple torch clamp structure.
* 穩定性強,具有超強的等離子高頻抗乾擾能力。* 切割速度最大可調到每分鐘3.5米,能滿足快速等離子切割的需求。 Strong stabilization, effective shield plasma high frequency interference. Max cutting speed 3500mm/min, apply to plasma cutting.
* 機箱采用全鋼防磁結構,完全屏蔽電磁輻射,真正抗乾擾、防靜電。 All steel and anti-magnetic outside frame of NC system and host to ensure reliable and stable operation.
* 系統升級采用隨身碟升級方式,方便簡單、實用,並提供終身免費升級服務。 Free upgrade by U-disk easily and conveniently, and also provide free-upgrade at whole lifetime.
* 特有鋼板校正功能,任意鋼板邊可做為校正邊; Steel board adjustment function,each steel edge could be adjustable.
* 圖形可矩陣排列、交互排列、疊式排列。 Graphic matrix permutation,alternate permutation,overlapping permutation
* 工件原始尺寸和帶割縫尺寸同時進行顯示,直觀方便。 Display original size and size with cutting slot compensation at sametime, easy to control conveniently.
* 等離子弧壓控制支持速度和距離兩種關閉弧壓調高方式,使機床更加平衡、安全。 Support speed and distance sytle to close THC,to ensure more balance,stable and safety.
* 最大程序行數 The maximan lines of program.
* 預留等離子切割機電源接口,可選配各種等離子切割機機型,弧壓跟蹤系統以及初始定位裝置。 Plasma cutting machine interface reserved; optionally set up all types of plasma cutting machine and arc voltage tracking system, including initial position and automatic arc voltage tracking system.
* 選配:無線遙控器,可進行前、後、左、右等基本運作和切割開始、停止等切割動作。 Optional item: wireless controller, function: up,down,left,right,begin cutting or stop etc.
